Department of Effective Public Management
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Inter-American Prize for Innovation in
Effective Public Management 2014

The “Inter-American Prize for Innovation in Effective Public Managementis an activity of the »
Department for Effective Public Management that seeks, through the selection of a Special Jury, to identify innovations in public management that the various administrations of the Americas make in order to reward, recognize, systematize, encourage and promote them as useful experiences possible to replicate in several latitudes.

The awards are:

bulletInter-American Prize for Innovation in Effective Public Management Award Ceremony.

bulletPublication of effective public management innovations in a SPA special newsletter.

bulletDissemination at the II International Seminar on Innovative Experiences in
    Effective Public Management.

The OAS Department for Effective Public Management reserves the right to disseminate the results of the selection process. Also, the application must consent authorization to broadcast and use, in whole or in part, the contents of it and of the innovative experience described.