Cada año el Secretario General de la OEA publica una Propuesta de Programa Presupuesto para el siguiente año calendario. La Asamblea General de la OEA se reúne en Sesión Extraordinaria y aprueba el Programa Presupuesto. Encuentre aquí esos documentos desde 1998 a 2013.
Cada año en abril la Junta de Auditores Externos publica un informe con los resultados financieros del año anterior. Encuentre aquí los informes de los años 1996-2016.
Aproximadamente seis semanas después del final de cada semestre, la OEA publica un Informe Semestral sobre Gestión de Recursos y Desempeño, que desde 2013 incluye informes sobre resultados programáticos. Los textos completos pueden encontrarse aquí.
Aquí encontrará datos de Recursos Humanos de la OEA, incluyendo la estructura organizacional y el personal de cada unidad organizacional, puestos vacantes y contratos por resultados.
La OEA ejecuta una variedad de proyectos que son financiados por donantes. Los informes de evaluación son encargados por los donantes. Véalos aquí.
El Inspector General presenta al Secretario General informes relativos a auditorías, investigaciones, e inspecciones que realice. Estos informes están a disposición del Consejo Permanente. Más información puede encontrarse aquí.
La OEA ha discutido por varios años el tema de bienes inmuebles, el financiamiento requerido para mantenimiento y reparaciones, y el mantenimiento diferido de sus edificios históricos. La Secretaría General ha presentado una serie de propuestas con una variedad de opciones para financiarlos. El documento más reciente que refleja el estado de la Estrategia es CP/CAAP-32/13 rev. 4.
Aquí encontrará información relacionada con las operaciones de compra de la SG/OEA, incluyendo una lista de avisos de contratación y ofertas formales, enlaces a los reportes de contratos y a los informes de control de medidas de viaje, las reglas y reglamentos de contratación aplicables, y la formación y cualidades del personal de compras.
El Tesorero de la OEA certifica los estados financieros de todos los fondos administrados por la SG/OEA. Aquí encontrará los más recientes informes financieros con propósito general para los principales fondos de la OEA, así como los Informes Financieros Trimestrales (IFTs) de la OEA.
Todos los años la SG/OEA publica el Plan Operativo Anual formulada por todas las áreas de la Organización. Este documento es utilizado como ayuda en la formulación del programa presupuesto anual y como seguimiento a los mandatos institucionales.
Aquí encontrará los documentos relacionados con el diseño, elaboración y aprobación del Plan Estratégico OEA 2016-2020.
Through our technical
assistance initiatives, we generate impact in cities and communities
of the Americas to strengthen Democratic Governance, Integral Development,
Multidimensional Security and Human Rights in the Americas. The projects
arising from the training provided by the OAS have an
effect on the improvement of public policies.
Objectives of our pillars
To contribute to strengthening the political processes
of the Member States, in particular to the maintenance of democracy as the best
option to guarantee peace, security, and development.
To promote the observance and defense of human rights
in the Americas.
To encourage and coordinate cooperation among the OAS
Member States to assess, prevent, face and effectively respond to security threats.
To support, facilitate and promote integral development
in the Member States through intersectional dialogue, public-private partnerships
and the creation of consensus on the integration of public policies.
REPORT: OAS School of Governance 2015-2020
The purpose of this report is to describe the OAS School of Goverment activities
carried out from its launching in 2015 to date. Also to publicize the opportunities offered by this initiative,
take stock of the progress made, analyze the existing challenges and chart a path for
the coming years.
Its main purpose is to recognize, encourage,
systematize, and promote public management innovations that are being introduced in
the region. Ultimately, the aim is to help make public institutions in the Americas
more transparent and effective to help them develop mechanisms for citizen
Advancing Open Government in the Caribbean:
Strategies and Tools to Increase Transparency and Citizen Participation in Public Policy
Human Rights
This program aims to
increase transparency and citizen participation in the design,
development and implementation of public policies by promoting
open government principles and practices in public administration.
Human Rights
The objective of this course is to strengthen
the skills of the
participants to effectively face an election campaign in order to contribute to the
promotion of equality in electoral competitions.
OAS Diploma: Governance, Management and Leadership in the Inter-American System
Human Rights
Through this initiative, all the technical areas of the Organization
of American States brings together to convey their projects, achievements, ways of work
and challenges. Its main purpose is to strengthening leadership skills and innovation
capacities in public management, with a regional vision and a cross-cutting thematic perspective.
This initiative seeks to strengthen Open Government practices
in the region's public administration, particularly in the areas of transparency,
civic participation and cooperation.
The program offers lectures led by international
recognized speakers and intellectuals who help to enrich the debate on key
issues of the Inter-American agenda, such as democratic governance, human rights,
hemispheric security and social development.
The objective of the tours and briefings program is to convey
to the public information about the mission, the pillars, and the general structure
of the OAS. Briefings are tailored to the specific interests of the visiting groups
and are conducted by senior specialists from the organization.
THE FUTURE OF OPEN GOVERNMENT: Governance, Innovation and Public Leadership in the 21st Century
Human Rights
This program teaches topics such as Governance in the 21st Century,
Open Government, Open Innovation, Partnership Building, Strategic Negotiation, Nudging
applied to Public Policy, Communication for Governments, and Media Training.
Inter-American Program of Senior Political Management:
Management, Leadership, Governance, Democracy and Political Communication
Human Rights
Its objective is to provide effective and innovative
tools and methodologies for the positioning of a government and/or senior
management in government communication.