Department of Effective Public Management
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On June 22-26 2015, the 1st Advanced Inter-American Program on Policy Innovation and Management (AIPIM 2015) took place in Washington, DC. The AIPIM 2015 is a joint academic initiative between the OAS Department for Effective Public Management (DEPM), the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University (MSPP/GU), Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Regional Program for Social Policy in Latin America (SOPLA/KAS), CAF - Latin American Development Bank and the Government of Canada.
The objective of the AIPIM is to strengthen capacities of public officers and civil society of the Americas to deal with policy complexity and political management of public policy using state-of-art policy analysis techniques and the interchange of experiences. The Program is mainly addressed to senior public officers in charge of the elaboration and implementation of public policies.
30 (thirty) participants - out of 228 applications received - have been selected from 21 OAS member states: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.

DUDIS, Dan. Public Procurement Monitoring in the Washington, DC Metro Region
KIRKMAN, Elspeth. The Behavioral Foundations of Policy… lessons from BIT
MONTEIRO, Rui. Developing Public-Private Partnership
PAREJA, Alejandro. E-Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean: What does work and what does not
TOBIN, Jennifer. Corruption
WEAVER, Kent. Behavior Change and Compliance Influencing the Behavior of Business and Individuals
MEIROVICH, Hilen. Policy Innovation on Climate. What conditions facilitate success
