Development Grant Facility (DGF)

The World Bank`s Development Grant Facility Project was designed to help IABIN establish the Connectivity Program, whose main objective is to encourge the integration of biological data with socio-economic and geospatial data. Partnerships were established with organizations or programs in the region with similar goals and which could provide co-financing to meet the specific objetives of the Connectivity Program. Partenerships were developed with SEMARNAT, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, the EROS Data Center and The Nature Conservacy, NASA JPL, Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education (Belize), CATHALAC/SERVIR, CIRA UNAN (nicaragua), PAIGH, The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (Panamá, and el Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR, México).

The City of Knowledge (Grant recipient), the IABIN Secretariat, the World Bank, the CCAD and the identified parterns constitute the Connectivity Program Team, which guided the developmente of plans and activities.

Project Coordinator: Vincent Abreu