Workshop: Integrating BAS' Biophysical Monitoring Data on Coral Reef Ecosystem Health into Targeted Communications (for fishers, MPA staff, and EE Program).


"A hands-on workshop with a multi-disciplinary team is underway at the Belize Audubon Society (BAS) entitled:  Integrating BAS' Biophysical Monitoring Data on Coral Reef Ecosystem Health into Targeted Communications (for fishers, MPA staff, and EE Program) from March 19th-23rd, 2018.  The workshop opened with welcoming remarks by Starret Greene (Belize OAS) with a Caribbean Ocean Governance overview by Richard Huber of the OAS Department of Sustainable Development.  Given that Belize has the 2nd largest and most diverse coral reefs, the workshop will define science communication and indicator monitoring needs for the outreach and education programs -- and identify gaps in data and check feasibility of monitoring of marine protected areas.  Belize has 7 marine areas designated as World Heritage Sites that provide critical habitats for threatened species, including marine turtles, manatees, and the American crocodile."

Belize has adopted a participatory, multi-disciplinary and scientific approach in promoting and integrating conservation and protected areas awareness with sustainable alternative livelihoods.  Several NGOs such as the Belize Audubon Society (BAS) and the Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association (TASA) co-manage areas with the Belize Fisheries Department.  These NGOs, in partnership with the Fisheries Department, empower buffer communities through boat-to-boat and on-site capacity building in coral reef and business management skills, advocacy, and sustainable alternative livelihoods options. The mission is to foster environmental stewardship while garnering collaborative support for the conservation of natural resources.


Resources Link
Workshop Agenda Agenda
Opening remarks at ReefFix Project Opening Remarks
Workshop Report Report