Sustainable Energy


Closed Looped Cycle Production in the Americas


Colombia Colombia


Project Background

On November 2013, the Deputy Minister of Business Development, María del Mar Palau, of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MINCIT), accepted the invitation from the OAS Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) to participate in the CLCP Program. The Deputy Minister formally communicated her interest for the project to be implemented in Colombia. She considered that the CLCP program would strengthen entrepreneurial development in a sustainable manner, and strengthen the creation of national capacities to replicate the initiative in other productive sectors.

The Project of Sustainable Production Development towards a Circular Economy in Colombia, under the framework of the CLCP Program, focuses on the strengthening, development and application of policies toward the productive sector that integrate the principles of a circular economy. This would serve as a business model to be followed in the strategies for the public and private institutions in Colombia. This way, Cradle-to-Cradle® (C2C), and the principles of a Circular Economy will become the basis for the integration of the sector’s actualized initiatives, plans, programs and strategies toward the same vision.

The programs, plans, strategies and incentives, such as the PTP, along with the financial and economic instruments available in the country, such as Bancoldex and Environmental Credit Line, and others to be available in the future will facilitate the implementation of the project in the country.

Project Description

Phase I: This phase involves analysis of the Colombian Productive Sector that goes along with identifying the country’s necessities and the expectations of local actors. Its result will allow for the identification of the industrial subsectors in which to invite companies to host the pilot projects. Additionally, this phase implies research to find the relevant norms, regulations, programs, initiatives and financial instruments for the Project.

Phase II: This stage involves training and education component of the Circular Economy, PCC and C2C to the different local actors and Colombian businesses of the industrial sub-sector(s) selected in Phase I.

Phase III: This phase is the development of the Project to facilitate the transition toward a Circular Economy in Colombia. It involves grouping the local tools available to facilitate the transition and motivate the industrial businesses towards this change.


Principle Counterpart

Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia


Related Documents and Links

Project Description Video will be available soon!

Project Profile (ENG)

Project Profile (ESP)

Activities and Events

July 31 - August 01, 2014: The first awareness raising seminars on CLCP held in Bogota and Medellin, Colombia - Two seminars were organized on Tuesday, July 29 in Bogota and on Friday, August 01 in Medellin, regarding the applicability of Closed Looped Cycle design and manufacturing methodologies in the production sector of Colombia.
Agenda  Presenters  Presentation1  Presentation2  Presentation3  Press Release  News1  News2  News3  News4
  Mission Report (only in Spanish)
04 to 07 June, 2014: The CLCP in the Americas Program of the OAS participates in the International Forum on the Environment, Colombia - The Closed Looped Cycle Production in the Americas Program of the Department of Sustainable Development of the OAS participated in the International Forum on the Environment with technical presentations regarding the implementation of the program in Colombia.
Event  Presentation 
 Mission Report  (only in Spanish)