Closed Looped Cycle Production in the Americas

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For further information, please click here Architect William McDonough at the high-level dialogue "Facilitating
the Transition toward Circular Economies in the Americas"
Further information here
Dr. Tewarie and Ms. Tross signing a letter of intent at the American
Competitiveness Forum for the CLCPA Project in Trinidad and
Amb. Castro de Perez presenting the CLCPA Project in Panama at the
9th International Symposium on Cleaner Production 2014
Mr. Howie Fendley, Cradle to Cradle assessor, at the Panamanian
company Aguas Cristalinas.
Mrs. Jully Andrea Herrera, OAS consultant, at the CLCPA seminar
2015 in Medellin, Colombia
Audience of the CLCPA seminar in Medellin, Colombia on
August 1, 2015

Project Countries

Colombia                     Trinidad and Tobago