Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

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Dialogue Among the Heads of Delegation, the Assistant Secretary General of the OAS, and the Representatives of the Private Sector in the OAS Member States - 39 Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly

San Pedro Sula, Honduras - June 1, 2009

The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Honduras, Patricia Licona, and the Assistant Secretary General of the OAS, Albert Ramdin, welcomed the participants and acknowledged the public-private partnerships as a true contribution to the peoples of the Americas that should continue be strengthened.

Next, Mr. Enrique de Obarrio, Vice President of Private Sector of the Americas, gave some introductory remarks to explain in general terms the role played by the private sector in spaces of this nature. On the other hand, Ms. Carol Ayoung, also Vice President of the Private Sector of the Americas, addressed the economic and social impacts of the crisis in the Caribbean, as well as the significance of public-private partnerships in development. Her intervention was supported by Mr. Jacobo Kattan, President of FUNDHARSE, who highlighted the need for public-private partnerships to be oriented to specific areas and projects of development, and indicated that violence is not part of democratic prosperity.

Afterwards, John Craig, representative of CEATAL, made some specific remarks about the Draft Declaration of San Pedro Sula, inviting delegates to recognize the importance of productive employment in promoting a culture of non violence and also to consider the issue of violence in the workplace as one of hemispheric concern that requires cooperative efforts by government, employers and workers’ representatives. In this context, he emphasized that 17% of all violent victimizations in Canada occurred at the workplace. With this, he highlighted the capacity of employers to prevent violence through the implementation of proactive measures.

On their part, the delegations agreed on the need for the Government and the private sector to work jointly through coordinated actions to guarantee the construction of a non-violent culture. 

More information

• Remarks by John Craig, CEATAL representative >>

• See video of dialogue >>