Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

Inter-American Committee on Education

First Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE)

The First Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) was held on August 13th 2003, in Mexico City; in compliance with the General Assembly Resolution AG/RES1859 (XXXII- O/02) which approves the creation of the said Committee. The Permanent Executive Council of CIDI (CEPCIDI) was entrusted with the provisional establishment of CIE and the approval of its Rules of Procedure, once the proposal presented by the G-11 have been reviewed and agreed upon by all Ministers of Education. The Meeting of Ministers of Education, and the Inter-American Committee on Education are the bodies within the Organization of American States in charge of defining hemispheric actions on education issues.

Presented in this report is a detailed chronology of the activities that took place in response to the mandate for the creation of CIE, which were received at the II Meeting of Ministers of Education, held on September 2001 in Punta del Este, Uruguay. 

The Ministers of Education and Heads of Delegations officially installed the Committee and elected the authorities of the Executive Committee of CIE which will govern for a period of two years:

1º. Trinidad & Tobago 
2º. El Salvador

Sub-regional Representation Representation Alternate
North America Canada United States
Central America Honduras Nicaragua
Caribbean Saint Lucia Bahamas
MercoSur Brazil Paraguay
Andean Region Ecuador & Peru (one each year) Ecuador & Peru (one each year)

In its first meeting, the resolutions approved by the Ministers of Education at the III Ministerial Meeting were reviewed. Instruments within the Inter-American system that could support the actions of CIE were presented. Agreement was reached to hold a meeting of CIE to discuss how to better allocate the resources assigned to the area of education through resolution CIDI/RME/RES. 9 (III-O/03). The meeting will be held in Washington, DC on Decemeber 4-5, 2003.

The delegations present at the Third Ministerial Meeting approved the Resolution that enumerates the Functions of the Inter-American Committe on Education.
