Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

Inter-American Committee on Education


In 2003, the Ministers of Education of the OAS Member States established the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE), which is an integrated collegial entity formed by the representatives of the Ministers of Education of the Member States of the Organization of American States.The Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) is a permanent ministerial dialogue mechanism responsible for the development and follow-up on the lines of action established by the Ministers of Education to respond to the mandates emanating from the Inter-American Meetings of Ministers of Education, the General Assembly and the Summits of the Americas. The CIE is regulated by certain rules of procedures.

Before the CIE was formed, it was preceded by the G-11, which was a group of ministerial representatives from the various hemispheric regions. From 1998 to 2003, the G-11 had been following up on the educational actions to meet the mandates from the Summits of the Americas and from the I and II Meetings of the Ministers of Education. The G-11 formally gave to the Inter-American Committee on Education at the III Meeting of the Ministers of Education, which took place in Mexico City, in August 2003.

The main objectives of the CIE are:

  • Inter promote dialogue in the field of education,
  • provide follow-up to the mandates of the Summits of the Americas, as well as the agreements and consensus resulting from the Inter-American Meetings of Ministers of Education
  • identify, implement and promote multilateral initiatives to promote the exchange of knowledge and practices, as well as technical cooperation to develop and strengthen capacities in Member States.

In order to carry out its functions, the CIE holds Regular Meetings and Meetings of the Authorities. During these meetings, the Ministers of Education of the Americas continue to promote policy dialogue, review and provide follow-up to the activities carried out in response to the mandates and plans of actions emanated from the Inter-American Meetings of Ministers of Education and the Summits of the Americas, as well as plan the organization of ministerial meetings.

Authorities: During these Regular Meetings, Member States elect the Authorities of the CIE. For more information about the current Authorities of the CIE.