Social Promotion and Protection

OAS Social Protection Internship in Chile

• Logistical Information
• Presentations
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The DSDE in collaboration with the Solidarity and Social Investment Fund (FOSIS) OF Chile held an intensive 10-day internship on social protection in Santiago, Chile from October 26 to November 3, 2009.  The internship formed part of the Puente in the Caribbean Program which is managed by the DSDE with financing from the Government of Chile and CIDA.  Ten delegates from 6 Caribbean countries participated in the training sessions; namely, Barbados, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. 

The primary objective of the Puente in the Caribbean initiative is to enhance and strengthen social protection strategies in the Caribbean by providing institutional and human resource training, using the Chile Puente Program as a model of best practice.  To this end the Internship was extremely successful as it exposed Caribbean delegates to both the theory and the practice of the Puente Program.  They participated in lectures, management meetings, family visits and evaluation sessions with Puente families.  A key result of the Internship was the elaboration of country workplans which represent each country’s goals and planned activities for incorporating the lessons of the Puente into the current social protection policies and activities.  The Internship concluded with an official closing ceremony which was presided by the Minister of Planning in Chile, Ms. Paula Quintana, and included addresses by Francisco Pilotti, Director of the Department of Social Development and Employment of OAS, Armin Andereya of the Ministry of External Relations of Chile and the Executive Director of FOSIS Mr. Pablo Coloma.   

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Logistical Information

• Main Agenda

• Field Agenda: Valparaiso

• Field Agenda: O’Higgins

• List of Participants

• Information Bulletin

• Registration Form

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Opening Session

• Julie Nurse, Specialist, DSDE, OAS: OAS Horizontal Cooperation in Social Protection

• Patricio Barriga, National Puente Director, FOSIS: Rights-Based Approach in Social Policy

Progress Report on Phase I

• Sandra Jn. Baptiste, Family Caregiver, Koudemain Ste. Lucie, St. Lucia

Inshan Mohammed, National Director, TCCTP, Ministry of Social Development, Trinidad and Tobago

Progress Report on Country Work Plans, Phase II

• Jemma Alexander, Social Worker, Ministry of National Mobilization and Social Development, St Vincent and the Grenadines

• Jovil Martin, Director, Social and Community Development, Ministry of Social and Community Development St Kitts and Nevis

• Diana Haynes, Project Coordinator, Poverty Alleviation Bureau, Ministry of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Urban Development, Barbados

Angela Salmo, Policy Official, Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing, Suriname
Systematization Workshop: Presentation of Results

Patricia Watts, Senior Welfare Officer,  Ministry of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Urban Development, Barbados

Closing Session

Remarks by Minister Paula Quintana, Ministry of Planning, Chile

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Other Relevant Documents

• Puente in the Caribbean Brochure
• Puente in the Caribbean Newsletter

• Galería de Fotos

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• OAS promotes the exchange of social protection experiences between Chilie and the Caribbean (Caribbean Net News)

• Caribeños conocen experiencias chilenas en terreno para superar la pobreza ( (Available only in Spanish)

• Países del Caribe realizan pasantía en Chile para conocer el Programa Puente ( (Available only in Spanish)

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