- English
- Español
Committee of Experts expresses its categorical repudiation and concern regarding the attempted assassination of Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernández (September 14th) Read the Communique in English or Spanish
The Committee
of Experts of the MESECVI and the Special Rapporteur on Violence against
Women and Girls of the United Nations express their concern about the
illegitimate use of the concept of parental alienation syndrome against
(August 12th)
Committee of Experts expresses rejection and concern over acts of extreme violence against women in La Libertad, Peru (July 14th) Read the Communique in English or Spanish
Committee of
Experts expresses concern about new education Bill in Peru (June 15th)
Committee of Experts expresses concern over the
disappearances that have taken place in Nuevo León, Mexico (May
Judicial authorities from the region advance gender
justice The II Hemispheric Seminar of Good Practices in Gender Justice was held in Medellin, Colombia from November 4th to 7th, 2015.The Seminar was organized by the CIM/OAS, the National Commission of Gender of the Judicial Power of Colombia, UN Women and USAID. It aimed to identify good practices in justice for the promotion and defense of women's rights with a view to contributing to the incorporation of a gender approach into judicial practice. Press advisory. |
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IV Latin-American Congress on Reproductive Rights
MESECVI Technical Secretary participated in this event, held from November 2nd to 4th, 2015, in Lima, Perú. The discussion focused on the links between violence against women and their reproductive rights. The Secretary presented the Declaration on Violence against Women, Girls and Adolescents and their Sexual and Reproductive Rights which recommends that States guarantee women's sexual and reproductive health and their right to life by eliminating unsafe abortion and designing laws and public policies that allow for the interruption of pregnancy. More information. |
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MESECVI participates in a European/Latin American
conference on gender equality in Madrid The European Union/Latin American Cooperation program (Eurosocial) celebrated in Madrid, from October 19 to 22, 2015, an annual conference to present the main results made over the last 4 years of work in Latin America. The Technical Secretary of the Follow-Up Mechanism to the Belám do Pará Convention, Luz Patricia Mejia Guerrero, presented the challenges facing the region in the compliance with the Convention. More information. |
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A Declaration is issued and an agreement is made on
eliminating violence and political harassment against women
In the framework of the VI Conference of States Party to the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women, (Belém do Pará Convention), Ministries for Women's Affairs and experts in gender violence of the Follow-Up Mechanism to the Belém Do Pará Convention (MESECVI) issued a Declaration on Political Harassment and Violence Against Women on October 18th, with the aim of advancing in the full recognition and exercise of women's rights. |
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VI Conference of State Party to the Belém do Pará
Convention On October 15th and 16th, 2015, the conference took place in Lima, Peru. Among the participants were the Ministers of Women of Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Peru, the President of the National Institute of Women of Mexico, the Presidential Advisor for Women's Equity of Colombia and over 200 government representatives and experts from 32 Latin American and Caribbean countries. They all attended the meeting to evaluate the advances and challenges in terms of laws, budget proposals and services facing governments of the region in their efforts to address gender-based violence against women. More about the VI Conference - Photo gallery. |
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XII Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the
MESECVI Celebrated on October 13th to 14th, the XII Meeting of the Committee of Experts included a dialogue with civil society followed by presentations focused on gender-based violence prevention, social and institutional tolerance towards gender-based violence and stereotypes. The discussion also addressed the challenges in the implementation of the recommendations made by the experts of the CEVI. Photo gallery of the MIMP. The meeting included a presentation of the work of the MESECVI and a debate on the legal advances in gender-based protection, sexual violence and adolescent pregnancy. The experts agreed on developing a thematic report on this problem and making recommendations to the States Parties on girls' right to a life free from violence. |
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The MESECVI invites civil society organizations to
participate in the XII Meeting of CEVI The XII Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Follow Up Mechanism to the Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women "Belém do Pará Convention" will be held from from October 13th to 14th in Perú. The event will feature a space for dialogue with civil society organizations with the aim of addressing issues in depth, such as sexual violence, adolescent pregnancy, symbolic violence and other issues of common interest. For more info, contact [email protected]. |
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International Congress: "Vulnerabilities, Victims
and Survival" The event took place from September 23rd to the 25th in Costa Rica with the aim of strengthening the analysis on vulnerabilities related to socio-economics, governance, and the law that threaten to victimize citizenship and prevent the enjoyment of human rights. Renowned authorities and experts in human rights attended the event, such as Alejandra Mora Mora, Minister of the Status of Women of Costa Rica and President of the CIM; Cecilia Sánchez Romero, Minister of Justice and Peace of Costa Rica, Luz Patricia Mejía Guerrero, Technical Secretariat of the MESECVI; among others. |
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XVI International Meeting "Challenges related to
Statistics in the implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda" Aguascalientes, México Held from September 9 to 11, this meeting provided a space for reflection on how to adopt and adapt the Development Goals to the needs, priorities and capacities of countries in the region to data availability and segregation levels. It also addressed strengthening methodologies for information production and use; and the development of gender indicators related to human rights and the advancement of women and girls. |
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International Seminar on Good Practices of Justice
Centers for Women, Oaxaca de Juárez, México Organized by the National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women (CONAVIM) and the USAID, through the program "Projusticia", the Seminar held from September 2nd to 3rd addressed gender equity and focused on the development of public policies designed to allow access to tools for law enforcement. |
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MESECVI Committee of Experts speaks out about the
situation of victims of sexual violence in Colombia The Committee of Experts of the Follow Up Mechanism of the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI) expressed its concern over guaranteeing access to justice for all victims of sexual violence, due to a modification of Article 23 of the 1719 Law. The article guarantees access to justice for victims of violence, and establishes the implementation of the Protocol and Model of Integral Attention in Health for Victims of Sexual Violence. The Committee expressed its concern through a letter addressed to Magistrate Maria Victoria Calle Correa, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Colombia. More info... |
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Seminar "Gender and Justice" for justice officials
[June 23rd, 2015] In Puebla, Mexico, from June 22nd to July 3rd a seminar is underway for members of high tribunals of justice of this State with the goal of providing methodological and theoretical tools to judge with a gender perspective, in accordance with the Belém do Pará Convention and the regional standards of due diligence. In addition, this event, organized by the MESECVI, seeks to provide support to the States Parties to the Convention in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Convention. Agenda. Photo gallery. |
Violence, Health and Sexual and Reproductive Rights
[June 9th, 2015] On June 19th 2015, the CIM/MESECVI and other partners will organize a debate on the relationship between violence against women and sexual and reproductive rights, with a view to promoting the guarantee and protection of women's rights and sparking an ongoing dialogue on this issue. Download the agenda in: English or Spanish |
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The MESECVI recommends implementing indicators to
measure gender-based violence in Brussels [June 2nd, 2015] In the context of the VIII Conference on Feminicide-Femicide, the Dialogue on Gender between the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), held on June 1-2, the Technical Secretariat of the Follow-Up Mechanism to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI), Luz Patricia Mejía Guerrero, urged States to produce indicators, qualitative and quantitative, for measuring the impact of public policies implemented to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women, among them, femicide, based on international commitments. |
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The rights of girls and women
[June 3rd, 2015] The MESECVI Committee of Experts expresses its concern over the human rights situation of girls and adolescents in the region. More info... |
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Webinar on sexual and reproductive rights
[May 1st, 2015] On April 23 the MESECVI conducted a Webinar on violence and sexual and reproductive rights which addressed the relation between violence against women and their sexual and reproductive rights. Annoucement (Spanish only). Presentation of Paula Avila-Guillen, Specialist, Center for Reproductive Rights. Presentation of Diana González Perret, CEVI Expert. |
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Perú- Workshop on the System of Indicators for the
implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention [April 23, 2015] In collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) of Perú, a workshop on indicators to measure the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention started today, organized by the MESECVI on April 23 and 24, 2015 |
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The MESECVI elaborates a Guide for the
implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention [April 19th, 2015] The MESECVI has elaborated a Guide for the aplication of progress indicators designed to measure the implementation of the Convention. The objective is to consolidate the system of indicators in the States Party to the Convention and facilitate their application. |
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Chile- Workshop on the System of Indicators for the
implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention [April 18, 2015] In collaboration with the National Service of Women (SERNAM) de Chile, a workshop on the System of Indicators for the implementation of the Belém do Pará Conventionse was organized by the MESECVI on April 15 and 16, 2015. |
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Grenada- Workshop on the System of Indicators for
the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention The MESECVI organized this workshop on March 24 and 25 in Grenada with the aim of strengthening technical capacities for the use of this System of Indicators and its incorporation into national plans and programs designed to eradicate violence against women and girls. |
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Webinar on the use of the Belém do Pará
[March 10, 2015] This Webinar offered by the MESECVI is intended to strengthen the work of organizations and institutions of the Americas in access to justice and gender-based violence. It also aims to promote the use of the Guide to the application of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women (Belém do Pará Convention) Presentation of Luz Patricia Mejía, Technical Secretary of the MESECVI. Presentation of Natalia Gherardi, Executive Director of the Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género. |
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Guatemala - Workshop on the System of Indicators for
the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention [February 19,
2015] In collaboration with SEPREM, the MESECVI organized a workshop on the System of Indicators for the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention on February 19 and 20, 2015. |
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El Salvador - Workshop on the System of
Indicators for the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention [February 16, 2015] In collaboration with the Institute of for the Development of Women of El Salvador (Instituto Salvadoreño para el Desarrollo de la Mujer - ISDEMU), a workshop on the System of Indicators for the implementation of the Belém do Pará Conventionse was organized by the MESECVI on February 16 and 17, 2015. More information... |
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The MESECVI provides technical assistance and meets
with Colombian representatives of the judicial branch and NGOs during its
visit to Colombia The MESECVI, led by Patricia Mejía Guerrero, its Technical Secretary, visited Bogotá, Colombia from January 26th to the 30th, 2015. On January 26th and 27th, the MESECVI conducted a workshop on the System of Indicators to measure the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention. The objective was to strengthen the technical capacity of all the actors involved in the design and implementation of public policies designed to eradicate violence against women and girls in Colombia. |
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20 years after the adoption of the Inter-American
Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against
Women, Convention of Belém do Pará This meeting, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina on December 4th, 2014 in Buenos Aires, aimed at analyzing the impact , achievements and challenges of 20 years since the adoption of the Belém do Pará Convention, as well as the advances made in specific areas of the regional gender agenda. Program |
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Seminar on Access to Justice for Women Victims of
Violence This meeting, organized by the MESECVI, on December 2nd, 2014 in Argentina sought to explore the progress on gender-based violence in international systems of human rights protection; strategic international litigation and its implementation at the local level, as well as good practices in the investigation of cases related to gender. Program |
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Workshop on the System of Indicators for the
implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention in Argentina
On December 1st in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the MESECVI organized a workshop to provide guidance to key stakeholders (Ministries for Women's Issues, Ministries of Justice, Health, Education and other relevant) and civil society organizations in the application of the Convention and the incorporation of these indicators into national plans, programs and reports on human rights and violence against women. Program |
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Workshop on System of Indicators to measure the
implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention in Paraguay
The meeting took place on November 3rd in order to strengthen the technical capacity of all actors involved in the design and implementation of public policies designed to eradicate violence against women and girls in Paraguay. It also served to provide guidance for the implementation of the system of indicators to measure the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention and its incorporation into plans, programs and reports on gender-based violence. It was organized by the MESECVI with the support of the Government of Canada. |
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The Committee of Experts of the MESECVI carries out
its first technical assistance visit Representatives of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI (Susana Chiarotti from Argentina, Tania Camila Rosa from El Salvador and Lidia Giménez from Paraguay) visited Paraguay from November 3rd to 4th in order to support the preparation and adoption of an integrated law on violence against women. The experts met with representatives from the Government of Paraguay, civil society and national media to discuss the contents of the draft law, in light of the experiences of other countries in the region in terms of their integrated laws. |
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States Party hold their First Special Conference
[October 22nd 2014] From October 23rd to 24th the States Party to the Belém do Pará Convention will hold their First Special Conference in Mexico City. Among other topics, the Conference will consider the draft Second Follow-up report on the Recommendations of the Committee of Experts and the strengthening of the MESECVI. More information... |
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The Committee of Experts advances sexual and
reproductive rights [September 29th 2014] Durng its 11th meeeting, the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI adopted the Declaration on Violence against Women, Girls and Adolescents and their Sexual and Reproductive Rights, which seeks to advance the gurantee and protection of women's human rights on the basis of commitments adopted by the States at the international level. Download the full text of the Declaration in English. |
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The Committee of Experts holds its 11th Meeting
[September 8th 2014] From September 18th to 19th 2014, the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI will hold its eleventh meeting in Montevideo, Uruguay. More information... |
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MESECVI participates in the Conference to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women in Venezuela
[July 14th 2014] In the context of the 20th anniversary of the Belém do Pará Convention, the Techical Secretary of the MESECVI, Luz Patricia Mejía, met with members of the Popular Ministry of Women and Gender Equality (MinMujer), the Attorney General of the Republic's office, and the Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Venezuela. During the Conference, with high-level authorities, she recognized that "Venezuela's legislation is pioneering in incorporating the integrated vision establsihed by the Convention” and explained the challenges that persist to the full implementation of the law and to data gathering on violence against women. She also shared good practices on access to justice for women victims of violence that could be replicated in the country. |
Pachuca Declaration: Strengthening violence
prevention [May 16th 2014] The Belém do Pará +20 Hemispheric Forum "Prevention of violence against women: Good practices and proposals for the future," organized from May 14th to 16th in Pachuca, Hidalgo, adopted the Pachuca Declaration, which reaffirms and strengthens State commitment to concrete action in public policy, education and communication for gender equality and violence prevention. Download the Declaration |
Chile seeks qualified candidates for its Expert to the MESECVI
[April 14th 2014] The National Service for Women of Chile (SERNAM) has launched a call for applications to the position of National Expert to the Follow-up Mechanism to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI). The application deadline is Friday May 9th at 18:00. |
Regional strategies to address violence against women
[February 20th 2014] As part of the 58th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the CIM and the Council of Europe hosted a side-event on March 10th 2014 to look at regional advances in addressing violence against women, with a focus on the Belém do Pará and Istanbul Conventions. Download the publication "Regional tools to fight violence against women: The Belém do Pará and Istanbul Conventions" in English |
10 necessary measures to end violence against women
[February 18th 2014] On the Day of Women of the Americas (February 18th), the President of the CIM, María Isabel Chamorro, launches the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Belém do Pará Convention by calling on States to guarantee women's right to live a life free of violence. Download the full text of the President's message |
Convention translated to indigenous languages
[November 25th 2013] As part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Convention, the National Institute of Women of Mexico (INMUJERES) has supported the translation of the Belém do Pará Convention into 13 indigenous languages in order to strengthen its visbility and application from a perspective of diversity: mam of Soconusco, maya, mazahua of the East, mexicano of Guerro, mixteco of the high West, náhuatl of Huasteca, náhuatl of the mountains northeast of Puebla, otomí of the Mezquital valley, purépecha, tarahumara of the North, tseltal, tsotsil, and zapoteco of the coastal plain. |
In search of an integrated response to HIV and violence against women in Central America [July 29th 2011] In recent years, HIV infection has increased among women at an alarming rate in various regions of the world, including Central America. At the same time, rates of violence against women are worrying, to say the least. CIM has begun a project that aims to provide an integrated response to the spread of HIV among women and violence them; two different epidemics that have a lot in common. Read the full communiqué. |
20 agreements adopted on the elimination of violence against women [March 28th 2011] The Third Conference of States Party to the Belém do Pará Convention, held from March 24th to 25th 2011 in La Antigua Guatemala, adopted 20 agreements to strengthen the response to violence against women in the Hemisphere. Read the full communiqué. |