Media Center


OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza
Conveys His Vision for the Pan American Development Foundation

  September 22, 2005


Contact: Dale A. Crowell
(202) 458-6502
[email protected]
For Immediate Release

Washington, DC (September 22, 2005)–José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Organization of American States and Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF), conveyed his vision for PADF last night before a crowd of 120 guests representing the organization’s numerous supporters and partners from both the public and private sector including the OAS, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA), and others from throughout the Western Hemisphere.

“PADF was the first non-governmental organization established by a multilateral organization and I am very proud of that. For forty-three years, PADF has continued to work with the OAS and has given an example of how to work together with various sectors, public and private,” said Secretary General Insulza. “This organization provides the OAS with unique capabilities and we should further enhance those capabilities. We need to face the enormous challenge of poverty in the region. Latin America is not the poorest region in the world, but it is certainly one of the most unequal,” he added.

Referring to PADF’s work in Colombia where the Foundation has supported efforts to strengthen the country’s democracy, promote peace and national reconciliation, and provide jobs, training and other services to displaced persons and Afro-Colombian populations, the Secretary General noted that “PADF plays a major role in Colombia and I commend the organization for that.” Noting his recent visit to Haiti, Secretary General Inzulza highlighted his opportunity to “see the work of PADF” and noted that it was “very impressive and important.” Noting the region’s challenges to strengthen democracy, enhance social and economic development, and improve security, he finished by saying, “We are proud that PADF is addressing the highest priorities of our hemisphere.”

PADF is an international NGO affiliated with the Organization of American States. The Foundation has a forty-three year track record of successfully assisting the least fortunate in Latin America through local civil society groups and other private and public sector mechanisms.

The mission of the Foundation is to alleviate human suffering and poverty through sustainable development activity in Latin America and the Caribbean by creating economic opportunities; improving human services; strengthening communities and civil society; and responding to victims of natural disasters and humanitarian crises. PADF does this through innovative development partnerships that reflect hemispheric priorities of the Organization of American States with international agencies, local governments, corporations, foundations, nongovernmental organizations, immigrant groups, and individuals committed to improving the lives of the least advantaged.

Reference: PADF-E-1