Media Center

Press Release

OAS to Participate in the International Mission to the Elections in Chile

  November 15, 2013

In response to an invitation from the Electoral Tribunal and the Electoral Council of Chile to the Organization of American States (OAS) to form part of the International Mission to witness the elections for President, Senators, Deputies and Regional Advisers on November 17, 2013, the Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza, designated a delegation to travel to the South American country on his behalf this weekend.

To accomplish these tasks, Secretary General Insulza appointed as his representative the OAS Secretary for Legal Affairs, Jean Michel Arrighi, who will be accompanied by the Chief of the Electoral Observation Section of the Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation, Alejandro Urízar.

This is the first time that the OAS will send delegates to an election in Chile. Since 1962, the OAS has been present in 205 elections in 27 member states. Beginning with this invitation, Chile joins the large group of countries that put their trust in the electoral work carried out by the Organization.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-439/13