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Press Release

OAS Secretary General Regrets Colombian Withdrawal from Pact of Bogotá

  November 29, 2012

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States, José Miguel Insulza, deeply regretted the decision of the government of Colombia to withdraw from the Pact of Bogotá, one of the fundamental legal instruments of the hemispheric organization through which the signatories undertake to settle their disputes by peaceful means.

The Secretary General declined to comment on the reasons of the Colombian government for making its determination, saying that "the withdrawal from the Pact is an option for the countries that is referred to in its text."

However, he said that "one of the objectives that has guided my administration and underpins the actions of the organization is to ensure that all Member Countries are integrated into the foundational legal instruments on which the OAS bases its work." He complemented his statement by saying that "dialogue to peacefully resolve disputes between States is the cornerstone that we all must embrace as a unique tool in the solution of problems that may arise between the Member Countries of the OAS."

Insulza recalled that "the universal legal institutional framework, which contains large values ​​of American law, has been built with multiple contributions from all countries in America, which have generated legal instruments of such importance as the Pact of Bogotá itself, and others linked to human rights and the right to asylum, among the most important."

In this context, the chief representative of the OAS called on the hemispheric community "to maintain confidence in the body of law that the American peoples themselves have built to live in peace with each other for nearly a century, after many conflicts that taught us the lesson that the only path to civilized coexistence lies in the law and the use of peaceful means."

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-433/12