Media Center

Press Release

OAS Opens Virtual Space for Dialogue on Sustainable Development

  September 23, 2010

The Organization of American States (OAS), through its Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) and in collaboration with its Summits of the Americas Secretariat, has opened a virtual space, at the recently launched Summits Virtual Community (SVC), as part of the preparation process for the Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development.

The virtual forum is available here.

The ministerial meeting, to be held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, November 17 to 19, 2010, aims to identify the priorities in the area of sustainable development within the hemispheric agenda, including emerging challenges and opportunities.

The forum dialogue is framed under the broad theme, “Towards Sustainable Development in the Americas,” and will be moderated by experts from the DSD/OAS. It offers a variety of resources to participants, such as background documentation, videos and reference information on the different themes addressed, including the recommendations made by representatives of civil society and other social actors in the regional consultations conducted during the months of June to August, 2010.

The forum, which will remain open until October 15, 2010, will focus on addressing two main questions related to the different themes discussed: What are the immediate needs of the hemisphere in terms of sustainable development that require immediate response from the relevant organizations? And, what do you consider should be the priority for sustainable development in each thematic area during the ministerial discussion?

The OAS encourages the citizens of the Americas to take advantage of this opportunity and participate actively in the discussion. The results of the forum will be presented to Member States for their consideration and as input for the Draft Declaration of Santo Domingo to be approved during the Ministerial Meeting. Participation is free and open to the general public, including representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs), international organizations, workers and union representatives, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, and members of the private and academic sectors, among other stakeholders.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-345/10