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Press Release

OAS Countries Reaffirm Commitment to Sustainable Development, 2030 Agenda and Addressing Climate Change

  October 20, 2015

The countries of the Organization of American States (OAS) today adopted the Declaration of Tela, Honduras to promote a sustainable development agenda for the Americas in line with the objectives for the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, and with a full commitment to address climate change.

The Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Sustainable Development adopted by acclamation a strategic framework for updating the Inter Development Program (PIDS) with six strategic areas for action: disaster risk management; sustainable management of ecosystems; integrated water resources management; sustainable cities and communities; sustainable energy management, prioritizing the promotion of clean, renewable, environmentally sustainable energy efficiency; and strengthening and capacity building for efficient, effective, accountable and inclusive institutions for sustainable development.

The countries also highlighted the need to continue working together to achieve a climate agreement at COP-21-the UN Conference on Climate Change to be held in December in Paris, France, and to continue to address the effects of climate change in the near future.

In his closing remarks, OAS Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Ambassador Neil Parsan, recalled that the sustainable development agenda was defined while keeping in mind "our people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships, all part of the essential purposes for which the OAS was created." Ambassador Parsan added that in this regard, the role of the OAS "is critical to the implementation and nationalization of the Objectives of Sustainable Development and in the words of our Secretary General, to ensure 'more rights for more people.’"

During 2016, the OAS will work toward the adoption of a new PIDS on the basis of the strategic framework agreed in the Tela Declaration and under the presidency of Honduras.

Reference: E-316/15