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The Mission of Foreign Ministers and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States visited Honduras with the purpose of listening to the political and social actors involved and of promoting the approval of the San Jose Accord, in order to achieve a peaceful, democratic and respectful solution of the constitutional order in the Republic of Honduras.
On August 24 and 25 the Mission held broad and frank talks through meetings with representatives of the Government of President Manuel Zelaya; the powers and organs of the State (the National Congress, Supreme Court of Justice, Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Justice Department, and the Department of Defense and Armed Forces); and with all of the presidential candidates, leaders of the Catholic Church, representatives of Evangelical churches, business owners, representatives of civil society and the high ranks of the Armed Forces. The Mission also met with Mr. Roberto Micheletti.
In all of its meetings, the Mission clearly expressed that the San Jose Accord, internationally recognized as the basis for national reconciliation, is the immediate, balanced and viable road to achieve the restoration of the democratic order in Honduras. It described the entire set of guarantees that the Accord offers to the different political actors of Honduran society and highlighted, among them, the establishment of a government of unity and national reconciliation; of an International Committee of Verification of the implementation of the Accord itself; and of a Committee of Truth in charge of establishing the record of events before and after June 28, and of the international observation of the electoral process.
Most of the actors expressed their agreement with the Fundamentals of the San Jose Accord, even though many of them raised concerns around the same. The powers and organs of the State expressed reservations about two points: one relating to the amnesty established in Article 205 point 16 of the Constitution of Honduras; and one which refers to the return to the powers of the State before June 28, 2009, which implies the return of José Manuel Zelaya Rosales to the Presidency of the Republic until January 27, 2010. For their part, the representatives of civil society opposing the Government of President Zelaya expressed fear of the consequences that his return to power could have for the peace and social stability of the country.
The representatives of the Government of President Zelaya and the organizations of civil society that back him expressed grave concerns for the physical integrity and violation of human rights of his followers.
The Mission heard the opinions and concerns of the different presidential candidates about the impending electoral process.
President Zelaya, through his representatives and especially through his wife Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, reiterated his decision to accept the San Jose Accord in its entirety and his disposition to sign it immediately.
Conclusions of the Mission
While the Mission considers that steps forward were made during its visit, it must also recognize that full acceptance of the San Jose Accord lacks the support of Mr. Micheletti and the sectors that are akin to him.
The Mission considers essential the prompt return to democratic normalcy that guarantees all Honduran people security, prosperity and development.
The Mission reiterates the need to approve the San Jose Accord, given the impending start of the electoral campaign planned for Sept. 1st.
In the interest of promoting a spirit of consensus, the Mission also calls on all actors to refrain from making declarations or expressing opinions that are contrary to the spirit of the San Jose Accord.
The Mission regrets that it was not possible on this occasion to obtain the backing of the San Jose Accord. And it makes a calling to all sectors of Honduran society to consider favorably the signing of the San Jose Accord, which, in its own judgment, contains the necessary elements for dialogue and reconciliation, for the restoration of constitutional order and the rule of law, and for the prompt reintegration of Honduras to the hemispheric community.
Reference: E-268/09