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Press Release

OAS Secretary General Welcomes General Assembly Resolution Adopted in Asunción on Human Rights

  June 5, 2014

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, expressed his gratification at the content of the resolution adopted at the forty-fourth regular session of the General Assembly, in Asunción, on the workings of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to strengthen the inter-American human rights system.

The resolution, in addition to reaffirming the commitment of OAS member countries to strengthen that system, values efforts made by states to bring about universal adoption of the American Convention on Human Rights and issues an invitation to dialogue with states not parties to that instrument, along the lines of achieving universal support for the Convention.

The OAS Secretary General expressed appreciation for the unanimous confidence expressed by the member countries, who entrusted him with consulting with states not members of the Pact of San José and making suggestions of a technical and legal nature aimed at promoting universal acceptance of this mechanism--the central objective of the resolution adopted by the General Assembly at its session ending today in Asunción.

Insulza expressed his gratitude for the trust placed in him to carry out that task and reaffirmed his proposals on the need to implement an inclusive, respectful policy, based on dialogue, to overcome differences and reach the agreement sought.

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Reference: E-239/14