Media Center

Press Release

OAS Secretary General Urges Search for a Prompt Solution to the Police Strike in Bolivia

  June 26, 2012

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today declared his concern over the continuation of the strike being carried out by a sector of the police force in Bolivia and over the eventual political connotations that some of its leaders appear to be giving to the strike.

“The strike by the armed body charged with guarding the public order generates, in and of itself, a sensation of uncertainty,” said Insulza. “But when a legitimate union demand appears to become confused with destabilizing political objectives, that should worry us much more,” he added.

Secretary General Insulza made this reference stemming from known evidence of messages exchanged between people close to the strike, that utter threats against Ministers of Government and make allusion to a possible coup d’état.

For that reason, Insulza called on all parties to seek a prompt solution to the labor conflict in order to avoid that it be manipulated by people removed from both it and from democracy.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-233/12