Media Center

Press Release

OAS Observation Mission in Haiti Highlights Improvements on Election Day

  November 21, 2016

The Electoral Observation Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS/EOM) to the elections of November 20 in Haiti highlighted improvements over recent elections in the process on Election Day, as part of the preliminary report presented by the Mission today.

Despite the difficulties posed by the damages from Hurricane Matthew, the Mission, headed by former Uruguayan Senator Juan Raúl Ferreira, commended the efforts of all national stakeholders that led to an improved electoral process, noting greater national involvement and ownership of the process.

The OAS/EOM fielded a team of 130 experts and observers of 24 nationalities. On Election Day, they observed the electoral process in all ten departments of the country from the opening of the polls through the counting of the ballots, visiting 474 voting centers. The Mission is observing the tabulation process and will have continuous presence at the Tabulation Center (CTV) until the publication of the preliminary results. In addition, it will observe the contestation phase.

Although voting in Haiti is not mandatory and the law does not provide for a participation threshold, the Mission expresses its concern for what appears to have been a low turnout in Sunday´s election and encourages Haitian authorities and political stakeholders to take measures to incentivize political participation.

In the coming weeks the Mission will present a report with recommendations to the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) to be considered for the next round of elections on January 29, 2017.

Reference: E-223/16