Media Center

Press Release


  September 29, 2005

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, reiterated today the need for dialogue in Nicaragua and called for “special attention” from the Organization, at a meeting of its Permanent Council.

Following the deepening political crisis caused by the stripping of immunity of President Enrique Bolaños’ ministers and other senior government officials, Insulza said that “the judicialization of politics inevitably makes a country ungovernable, by generating endless conflicts.” The ministers affected by the recent decisions, brought their claims this morning before the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR), in Washington.

The Secretary General added that “when political issues are taken to the courts, naturally governance becomes much more difficult in the countries concerned.” Insulza also called to reassume the path to a national agreement and a commitment of governance that “allows Nicaragua to head in a normal manner, in minimal conditions of normality, from now until next year’s elections.”

Insulza informed the representatives of the OAS member states that he has called his special envoy to that Central American country, Dante Caputo, back to Washington. He explained that they are holding consultations and the necessary talks in order to return the parties involved to a national dialogue.

Reference: E-221/05