Media Center

Press Release


  October 17, 2003

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), César Gaviria, today expressed full and decisive support for Bolivia’s new constitutional government, headed by President Carlos Mesa Gisbert. “Bolivia’s Congress has demonstrated its commitment to the people and to the country, and has put the interests of the country above its own, acting responsibly and calmly, with great political maturity, during a difficult time,” Gaviria said. “With this attitude, it has been possible to maintain constitutional continuity and to show that, despite the difficult times in Bolivia, the country’s institutions and people respect and value democratic principles.”

The Secretary General further stated: “The OAS calls on the Bolivian people to unite, from this moment on, to restore public calm and seek consensus on solutions to their complex political and social realities, for the good of the whole country.

“During the coming months, Bolivia will continue to face serious economic, political and social challenges. It is imperative that all of its citizens seek to resolve the country’s problems within a democratic framework, through dialogue and negotiation. The OAS will continue to accompany the government and the people of Bolivia and reiterates its willingness to contribute to the national reconciliation process.”

Reference: E-202/03