Media Center

Press Release

OAS: Guatemalan Prison Deaths Underscore Urgency of Gang Crisis

  August 16, 2005

The violent attacks and riots that took place yesterday in several Guatemalan prisons underscore the need for the countries of the region to address the increasing problems related to organized crime and gangs, the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, said today.

Insulza expressed condolences to the families of the 31 inmates who lost their lives in the violence and said the incidents should serve as a wake-up call about the seriousness and geographical scope of the problem.

“For the countries of Central America, in particular, gang-related violence has become an urgent security problem with deep social and economic consequences,” he said. “The member states have placed this high on the security agenda of the OAS and are examining how they can work together more closely to address this difficult issue.”

At the recent session of the OAS General Assembly, held in June, the region’s foreign ministers called for hemispheric cooperation, including greater information exchange, to deal with gang-related problems.

The OAS Permanent Council is expected to discuss this issue at its meeting scheduled for August 25.

Reference: E-168/05