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Press Release

OAS Announces Winners of 2020 Inter-American Award on Innovation in Effective Public Management

  December 8, 2020

The General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) announces the winners and Special Recognitions of the 8th Edition of the “Inter-American Award on Innovation in Effective Public Management 2020,” which aims to recognize, identify and promote innovative experiences in public management that are being implemented within the region. This award contributes to the strengthening of transparency, citizen participation, effectiveness and inclusion in public institutions.

During the 2020 Edition, we have received 27 experiences from eight OAS member states.

The results are as follows (See Final Results-2020 in Spanish):

Category: Innovation in Open Government

Monitores Ciudadanos de Control
National Entity: Contraloría General de la República del Perú

Special Recognition:
Diálogos Vallecaucanos – Conversatorios Ciudadanos El Valle Está En Vos: Estrategia de Generación de Confianza y Sentido de Pertenencia a través de la Comunicación Permanente, la Rendición de Cuentas y el Impacto Social.
National Entity: Gobernación del Valle del Cauca, Colombia.

Category: Innovation in Smart Government

Sistema Nacional de Información y Registro Único de Beneficiarios del Estado.
National Entity: Sistema Nacional de Información y Registro Único de Beneficiarios del Estado (SINIRUBE), Costa Rica.

Category: Innovation in Promoting a Gender Equality, Diversity, and Human Rights Approach
Special Recognition:

Ecosistema para la identificación y abordaje de la violencia basada en género por medio del Observatorio de Género OGEN.
National Entity: Gobernación del Valle del Cauca, Colombia.

Category: Innovation in Social Inclusion
Special Recognition:

Gestión Intercultural en el Registro Civil Bilingüe.
National Entity: Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil (RENIEC), Perú.

The composition of the special jury was as follows:

- Hilary Anderson, Specialist of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM/OAS).
- Claudia Gonzalez, Specialist of the Department of Social Inclusion (DSI/OAS).
- Yacsire Cutler, Independent Expert on Projects.
- Enrique Bravo-Escobar, Senior Program Officer at National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Reference: E-123/20