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Press Release

Joint statement by the General Secretariat of the OAS and the LGBTTTI&TS Coalition on Inclusive Development

  December 11, 2024

The General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the LGBTTI Coalition of Latin America and the Caribbean calls all governments to promote the economic, cultural and social rights of their people, especially those historically excluded or marginalized.

The OAS General Assembly’s resolution, the civil rights reports and the advisory decision on marriage and trans rights are steps in the right direction and have increased visibility for the experiences of LGBTQ+ people in the Americas. However, developing an economic, social and cultural OAS strategic framework for LGBTQ+ people in the region remains a pending matter.

Data collected in the Americas show an increase in the percentage of people identifying as LGBTQ+. Meanwhile, discrimination against this population impacts negatively the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) through lost economic output. In this sense, it is necessary to create strategies for integrating LGBTQ+ economic contributions into national economies, policies and law reform.

The standards set by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights are welcomed as a significant advancement for LGBTQ+ rights, offering an opportunity to cultivate economic independence and livelihood issues for the LGBTQ+ community, thereby ensuring their full citizenship. Integrating economic policy and planning is crucial for encouraging transformative action that can improve the lives of millions.

As an institution that promotes inclusion, the OAS welcomes future dialogues with multilateral, regional and national institutions to further integrate LGBTI economic, social, and cultural rights into national policies and plans.

Reference: E-095/24