Media Center

Press Release


  February 27, 2008

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, expressed his satisfaction for the release of Gloria Polanco, Orlando Beltrán, Luis Eladio Pérez and Jorge Eduardo Géchem, Colombian citizens handed over this afternoon by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to the International Red Cross during an operation carried out in the Colombian jungle. He said that “although no one will be able to forget the cruelty and uselessness of their prolonged captivity, their liberty brings us joy and provides hope for new releases.”

Insulza highlighted the “the fundamental role of the International Red Cross, the positive resolve demonstrated by the Government of Colombia to facilitate the release operative in its territory, as well as the valuable gestures of the Venezuelan Government in the negotiations that lead to this result.”

He added that the outcome of this process “highlights that the pressure exerted by the people of Colombia and the international community, achieves beneficial results that although are not sufficient, constitute progress towards the objective of obtaining the freedom of all hostages.”

Finally, he underscored the Organization’s commitment, “to support any initiative which would help bring about an integral solution to this serious humanitarian crisis,” assuring that progress “towards lasting peace in that sister nation,” can be achieved through these means.

Reference: E-057/08