Media Center

Press Release


  March 12, 2003

Three ministerial meetings are being convened by the Organization of American States (OAS) this year—in Guatemala City, Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro—to bolster hemispheric initiatives on tourism, education and labor.

A regular meeting of the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) decided to convene the Eighteenth Pan American Travel Congress in Guatemala City from June 18 to 20.

Announcing the Travel Congress, the CEPCIDI Chairman, Ambassador Ramón Quiñones of the Dominican Republic, said “sustainable development of tourism can contribute to more equitable distribution and to greater community involvement in economic growth.” That meeting will revolve around the theme of hemispheric cooperation in light of the new challenges facing the tourism sector.

Quiñones explained that the Guatemala Congress “will also examine the impact of terrorism on the economies of tourism-dependent states and on long- and medium-term growth development.”

Meanwhile, the Third Meeting of Ministers of Education, in Mexico City August 11 to 13, will draw representation from all 34 OAS member states. Ambassador Quiñones said the conference “will examine new educational approaches that should be given priority.” The ministers are also expected to discuss the identification and establishment of hemispheric mechanisms to continue implementing education initiatives under the Summit of the Americas Action Plan. Ahead of that ministerial gathering, a preparatory meeting and an education sector programming workshop will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from April 9 to 11.

The Twelfth Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor, scheduled for October 29 to 31 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will consider how to improve labor conditions in all member states. The labor ministers will also receive progress reports from the two working groups established at the previous Conference, on labor-related elements of the Summit of the Americas process and on capacity-building for ministries of labor.

Other meetings Ambassador Quiñones announced were the Eighth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) in Washington, D.C., April 25, and the Third Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports, to be held in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, from September 8 to 12.

Reference: E-055/03