Media Center

Press Release

Statement of the OAS Secretary General on the Summit of the Americas

  February 7, 2012

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today recalled that in April 2009, “at the conclusion of the Fifth Summit of the Americas, its Chair, the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Patrick Manning, remarked upon the existence of a clear consensus that the reintegration of Cuba in the inter-American relations is an essential step toward the building of a more cohesive and integrated Americas.”

Insulza added that “in fulfillment of that consensus, the 39th OAS General Assembly in San Pedro Sula annulled the Resolution through which the Government of Cuba was excluded from participating in the inter-American system.” The Resolution of the 39 GA/OAS established that: “the participation of the Republic of Cuba in the OAS will be the result of a process of dialogue initiated at the request of the Government of Cuba, and in accordance with the practices, purposes, and principles of the OAS.”

Secretary General Insulza noted that “that request has not been made.”

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-034/12