Media Center

Press Release

OAS Reaffirms Conclusions of Electoral Report on Nicaragua

  January 31, 2012

The Secretary General of the Organization of the American States (OAS), Jose Miguel Insulza, declared today that “the Report of the Electoral Observation Mission, presented to the OAS Permanent Council on January 24th, is the only official opinion of the General Secretariat about the election in Nicaragua.”

Referring to press accounts about the statements of Ricardo Seitenfus, the OAS office director in Nicaragua, the hemispheric organization’s highest authority indicated that “this was a personal verbal opinion noted by the press that in no capacity whatsoever substitutes or replaces that of the formal mission which observed the development of the whole process and emitted its conclusions with all of its antecedents in a well-founded and complete manner. The OAS never provides results or conclusions based on partial reports or quick counts, nor does it authorize any such distribution,” he affirmed.

With the report that Chief of Mission Dante Caputo delivered one week ago, “the observations of the OAS have been completed. The opinions given by other individuals on their own behalves do not alter this reality,” Secretary General Insulza concluded.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-022/12