(Note: Unofficial translation, original in Spanish)
Caracas, January 31, 2003
The Group of Friends created on January 15 in Quito, Ecuador, in accordance with the mandate of the Foreign Ministers who met on January 24 along with the OAS Secretary General in Washington, D.C., met in Caracas with President Hugo Chavez Frias and with the Democratic Coordinator (Coordinadora Democratica).
We express our gratitude to the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the attentions accorded to us and for the spirit of cooperation in searching for a negotiated solution to the crisis that affects the country. We recognize, as well, the cooperation and good will of the Coordinadora Democratica. This solution should be reached in the framework of the Constitution, in accordance with the principles enshrined in the Inter-American Democratic Charter and with respect for the legitimate government of President Hugo Chavez Frias.
The Group is undertaking its efforts in support of the facilitation process being led by Secretary General Cesar Gaviria, within the framework of Resolution 833 of the OAS Permanent Council, with cooperation from the Carter Center and UNDP, in accordance with their respective mandates. We appreciate the ongoing concern of the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, and the contribution of President Jimmy Carter.
Our efforts are intended to strengthen the Negotiation and Agreements Roundtable (Mesa de Negociacion y Acuerdos) in the framework of the Operational Summary agreed to by both parties. We reiterate our support for the Declaration of Principles for Peace and Democracy subscribed by both delegations, especially the expressed need for the solution to this crisis to be reached among Venezuelans and with respect for the country’s sovereignty.
Reconciliation and healthy coexistence require mutual concessions. To that end, we call on the Democratic Coordinator and the Government to reach the goals to which they have made a commitment.
We consider of utmost importance the respect for freedom of expression. We urge the public and private communications media to do their part to contribute responsibly to overcome the atmosphere of confrontation that affects the country today. They should play a crucial role in the development of any agreements that the government and opposition eventually reach, which must create a climate of respect, peace and coexistence.
We reiterate that any solution reached by both parties must be constitutional, democratic, peaceful and electoral. We consider that the proposals presented by President Carter, which both sides recognize are within the framework of the National Constitution, are positive elements for seeking a solution at the negotiating table. We also believe that the twenty points compiled by the Facilitator, which have already been agreed to by both parties, are a significant contribution to the search for a solution. We also applaud the installation of the Preliminary Nominating Committee in the National Assembly to elect a new National Electoral Council.
We also note, with satisfaction, the Democratic Coordinator’s presentation of its proposal for an electoral solution to the crisis, and we welcome the Government’s indication that it will present its own points of view related to this important matter next week. We would also like to ask the parties, as the Facilitator has done, that they exhaust every effort to reach a consensual solution.
The Group of Friends reiterates its offer to help see that the accords that the parties reach in this process are respected. It also reiterates its willingness to reconvene when the evolution of circumstances in Venezuela or the facilitation efforts of the OAS Secretary General merit such a meeting. Finally the Group expresses its gratitude to the Venezuelan people for the warm welcome they have given us.
Reference: E-020/03