Media Center

Press Release

OAS General Secretariat Continues Supporting Institutions and People of Dominican Republic ahead of March 15 Extraordinary Elections

  February 25, 2020

The General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) continues supporting the institutions and people of the Dominican Republic on the path toward the extraordinary municipal elections of March 15, following the cancellation of the February 16 elections.

In first place, the Electoral Observation Mission (EOM), deployed to the country since February 7, will maintain its presence beyond the extraordinary elections. A technical team will observe in an ongoing manner the organization of the election, the implementation of transmission technology and the consolidation of the acts. It will also follow up on the activities carried out in the Municipal Electoral Boards. As has been established, the observation missions neither substitute nor certify the work of the electoral authority, rather they exclusively observe and make recommendations.

At the same time, the OAS General Secretariat is finalizing the details for the holding of a binding audit of the automated vote process, in response to the request from the Central Electoral Board. To guarantee the work of the audit team, the Board has been asked to adopt all the measures necessary to preserve the integrity of the various components of the automated voting system.

Toward the end of this week the agreements on procedures will be signed that will establish the framework of the audit, which will begin next week. To ensure the maximum rigor of this exercise, the work of the experts will be carried out independently and autonomously. The auditors will work with strict care not to obstruct the work of the technicians and officials of the electoral authorities dedicated to the organization of the March 15 municipal elections.

Reference: E-013/20