Media Center

Press Advisory

Press Accreditation Process for OAS General Assembly CLOSES TODAY

  May 30, 2018

The process of accreditation CLOSES TODAY for media professionals that wish to cover the Forty-Eighth Regular Meeting of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), to be held from June 4 to 5 at the headquarters of the Organization in Washington DC.

e online form to request press credentials can be found here.

The press manual with practical information for the media wishing to cover the Assembly will be available here.

The General Assembly is the supreme political institution within the OAS and its decisions guide the activities and priorities of the hemispheric Organization for the year ahead. Its mandates cover a wide range of subjects, including the promotion of democratic governance, the strengthening of human rights, hemispheric security, and other issues of common concern pertaining to security, among other areas. A preliminary agenda and other relevant documents may be found on the Web page of the Forty-Eighth General Assembly.

If you have any questions about the process of accreditation, please write to: [email protected].

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: AVI-070/18