Media Center

Press Advisory

UNODC to launch new report on effects of violence and drugs on development in Central America

  May 21, 2007

VIENNA/WASHINGTON, 21 May 2007 (UNODC) – The damaging effects of drug-related crime and violence on development in Central American countries will be the focus of a new report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to be launched on 23 May at the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington DC.

UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa will unveil the report Crime and Development in Central America: Caught in the Crossfire at a news conference at 9.30 a.m. at OAS Headquarters, 17th Street & Constitution Avenue NW. OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza will also be present.

The report highlights crime as a development issue and stresses the need for greater international support to stem crime and poverty in the region.

For further information, please contact:
Richard Murphy
UNODC Spokesman
Tel +43 1 26060 5761
Mobile +43 699 1459 5761
[email protected]

For details about the news conference, please contact:

Lucrecia Baracat
OAS Department of Press and Communications:
Tel (202) 458-6824
[email protected]

Reference: AVI-026/07