- English
A pre-recorded program to be transmitted on Tuesday, February 1st 2005, via radio, television and Internet will examine the issues raised last week by former US president Jimmy Carter during his presentation entitled “The Promise and Peril of Democracy.” The panel discussion will involve the Permanent Representatives to the OAS from Argentina, Ambassador Rodolfo Gil, the United States, Ambassador John Maisto, Grenada, Ambassador Denis Antoine, Honduras, Ambassador Salvador Rodezno, as well as the Dean of Peru’s San Martin de Porres University, Jose Antonio Chang. Irene Klinger, Director of the OAS Department of Communications and External Relations and Coordinator of the Lecture Series of the Americas, moderated the panel discussion.
On Tuesday, January 25, 2005, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter inaugurated the Lecture Series of the Americas calling on governments and the privileged in the Americas to demonstrate the will to ensure all citizens share the benefits of their society. The Nobel Peace Prize Laureate bemoaned the widening gap between the rich and poor as “the greatest challenge of our time” because poverty and inequality continue unabated. He also made concrete suggestions on how to implement the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
Media organizations interested down-linking the signal of the transmission may do so using the coordinates in the attached technical bulletin.
EVENT: Panel discussion focused on former President Jimmy Carter’s speech at the OAS
WHEN: Tuesday, February 1st, 2005
3:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Standard Time
The Lecture will be transmitted via satellite and on the Internet http://www.oea.org
To down-link the signal from satellite:
319.5 Degrees East
DL Freq: 4123.25 Mhz
L Band DL Freq: 1026.75 MHz
FEC: 3/4
Symbol Rate: 8.90 MS/sNetwork ID: 2
To down-link the signal from satellite:
40.5 deg W, 319.5 deg E. LA NET, WHA Region
Band: C/Downlink Freq. Network ID: 2
FEC Rate: ¾ Video Standard:
525, NTSC
Symbol Rate: 8.90 ms/S C Band L.O. 5150 mHZ
Polarity H, Receive polarity is RHC.
The Organization of American States website will provide a webcast of the panel discussion at www.oas.org by clicking at Live Transmission.
The webcast will be provided in English and Spanish.
VIDEOS (on demand) will also be available through: http://www.oas.org/OASpage/videosondemand/home_spa/videos.asp
At a later date, the program will be re-broadcasted through a number of cable and satellite networks; among then are Hispanic International Television Network (HITN-TV), C-Span, Canada’s Political Channel (CPAC) and EDUSAT.
For more information please contact:
Mario Martinez y Palacios [email protected] Tel. (202) 458-3984
Gabriel Gross [email protected] Tel. (202) 458-3752
Reference: AVI-016/05