- English
Former US President and Nobel Peace Laureate Jimmy Carter will headline the inaugural Lecture Series of the Americas tomorrow, January 25, in a keynote address on “The Promise and Peril of Democracy.”
The conference will be held at OAS headquarters in Washington, beginning at 3:00 p.m.
Other participants include OAS Acting Secretary General Luigi R. Einaudi and the OAS Permanent Council Chairman, Ambassador Manuel Maria Cáceres of Paraguay, as well as Peru’s Ambassador Alberto Borea, who has spearheaded this initiative, and José Antonio Chang, Rector of Peru’s San Martín de Porres University, cosponsors of the Lecture Series.
Tomorrow’s event will launch the monthly conference series, the main objective of which is to spur political debate in the Hemisphere while using high-tech means to afford the public at large access to the mainstream thinking on the issues. The Lecture Series also seeks to advance efforts to develop effective, practical and compassionate solutions for the problems that confront our societies.
Besides the strengthening of democracy, the Lecture Series of the Americas will focus on such other important topics as human rights protection and promotion, social development, combating poverty and hemispheric security—all identified as major issues by the hemisphere’s heads of state and government through the Summit of the Americas process.
Carter’s presentation will be followed by a panel discussion involving ambassadors from subregions of the Americas, who will examine the issues raised by the former US president. Irene Klinger, Director of the OAS Department of Communications and External Relations and Coordinator of the Lecture Series of the Americas, will moderate the panel discussion.
Media organizations interested down-linking the signal of the live transmission may do so using the coordinates in the attached technical bulletin.
EVENT: Lecture Series of the Americas: Keynote speaker former President Jimmy Carter
WHEN: Tuesday, January 25, 2005
3:00 p.m.
WHERE: OAS Headquarters
17th St. & Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC
The Lecture will be transmitted live via satellite and on the Internet (http://www.oas.org/catedra/english/default.asp)
To down-link the signal from satellite:
319.5 Degrees East
DL Freq: 4123.25 Mhz
L Band DL Freq: 1026.75 MHz
FEC: 3/4
Symbol Rate: 8.90 MS/sNetwork ID: 2
To down-link the signal from satellite:
40.5 deg W, 319.5 deg E. LA NET, WHA Region
Band: C/Downlink Freq. Network ID: 2
FEC Rate: ¾ Video Standard:
525, NTSC
Symbol Rate: 8.90 ms/S C Band L.O. 5150 mHZ
Polarity H, Receive polarity is RHC.
The Organization of American States website will provide a live webcast of the Lecture Series of the Americas at www.oas.org by clicking at Live Transmission.
The webcast will be provided in the four official OAS languages (English, French, Portuguese and Spanish).
VIDEOS (on demand) will also be available through: http://www.oas.org/OASpage/videosondemand/home_spa/videos.asp
At a later date, the lecture will be re-broadcasted through a number of cable and satellite networks; among then are Hispanic International Television Network (HITN-TV), C-Span, Canada’s Political Channel (CPAC) and EDUSAT.
No TV or still cameras allowed during the event itself (3:00 pm to 4:00 pm). The Office of Public Information will provide video and audio (TV pool) outlets, from the ground floor in the OAS Main Building. There will be a photo opportunity immediately before the start of the program
For more information please contact:
Mario Martinez y Palacios [email protected]
Tel. (202) 458-3984
Gabriel Gross [email protected]
Tel. (202) 458-3752
Reference: AVI-010/05