Each year the OAS Secretary General publishes a proposed Program-Budget for the coming calendar year. The OAS General Assembly meets in a Special Session to approve the Program-Budget. Find these documents from 1998-2013 here.
Each year in April, the OAS Board of External Auditors publishes a report covering the previous calendar year’s financial results. Reports covering 1996-2016 may be found here.
Approximately six weeks after the end of each semester, the OAS publishes a Semiannual Management and Performance Report, which since 2013 includes reporting on programmatic results. The full texts may be found here.
Here you will find data on the Human Resources of the OAS, including its organizational structure, each organizational unit’s staffing, vacant posts, and performance contracts.
The OAS executes a variety of projects funded by donors. Evaluation reports are commissioned by donors. Reports of these evaluations may be found here.
The Inspector General provides the Secretary General with reports on the audits, investigations, and inspections conducted. These reports are made available to the Permanent Council. More information may be found here.
The OAS has discussed for several years the real estate issue, the funding required for maintenance and repairs, as well as the deferred maintenance of its historic buildings. The General Secretariat has provided a series of options for funding it. The most recent document, reflecting the current status of the Strategy, is CP/CAAP-3211/13 rev. 4.
Here you will find information related to the GS/OAS Procurement Operations, including a list of procurement notices for formal bids, links to the performance contract and travel control measure reports, the applicable procurement rules and regulations, and the training and qualifications of its staff.
The OAS Treasurer certifies the financial statements of all funds managed or administered by the GS/OAS. Here you will find the latest general purpose financial reports for the main OAS funds, as well as OAS Quarterly Financial Reports (QFRs).
Every year the GS/OAS publishes the annual operating plans for all areas of the Organization, used to aid in the formulation of the annual budget and as a way to provide follow-up on institutional mandates.
Here you will find information related to the OAS Strategic Plan 2016-2020, including its design, preparation and approval.
CITEL develops common positions and draws up more than 200 Inter-American proposals for the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference
January 21, 2012
The Working Group for the Preparation of CITEL for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) will be in session in Geneva, Switzerland, 22 January - 17 February 2012. The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) is normally held every three to four years for four weeks. Over 3000 participants from around the world are expected to attend the Conference, which takes place at the Geneva International Conference Centre and which will focus on 37 agenda items.
This Conference works through the presentation of Regional Groups such as CITEL for the Americas, and it is mandated to review and revise the international regulatory framework for Radiocommunications, the Radio Regulations. This international treaty governs the use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits to the global demand for spectrum so as to take into account the rapid evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) and to ensure that reliable radio services are available everywhere and at every moment. A scarce resource, radio-frequency spectrum is the basis of ICT, which, in turn is recognized as the driving force behind the world’s economic and social systems. Spectrum is critical and increasingly valuable for the achievement of the global connectivity goals in the 21st Century.
The Radiocommunication Assembly is held during the week immediately prior to the WRC, 16-20 January 2012, and is responsible for setting future work programs on many technical issues of a worldwide character in the field of radiocommunications and for approving worldwide radiocommunication standards which provides the necessary technical basis for the work of the Conference. For the first time 4 multi-country proposals were presented by the Americas to the Assembly and coordination was done during the meeting so as to provide a view of the needs of the Americas region.
CITEL began working on 2007 for the WRC-12 and developed 220 inter-american proposals and 50 multi-country proposals focusing on: revision of the Radio Regulations; management of the radio-frequency spectrum to provide new opportunities for radiocommunication services, including those for maritime and aeronautical transport as well as for scientific purposes related to the environment, meteorology, disaster prediction and detection, mitigation and relief; management of satellite orbital slots and associated spectrum resources; new capabilities of systems and the introduction of mobile broadband and other advanced technologies; and the use of digital dividend resulting from the switch over to digital TV.
The outcome of this international treaty-making conference will have worldwide ramifications in the field of communications. CITEL will be in session for the whole Conference so as to ensure that the interests of the Americas region are taken into account.