Institutional Photos and Symbols

OAS Logos

To request high resolution logos, please contact us using the form.

The main logo is used for any and all OAS communications. The logo should match the language used in the document.

Download the files here:

Logo with white typography:

Download the files here:

The Secondary logo follows the same guidelines as the main logo, but must be used only when there is a limited amount of space available.

Download the files here:

Logo with white typography:

Download the files here:

This logo will be used on the folders of the Organization and in publications that are written in more than one language.

Download the files here:

Logo with white typography:

Download the files here:

Font: The logotype must always be written in DIN Regular.
Colors: The only colors which can be used for the name of the Organization are white or black.


Institutional Photos

Attention: Official photographs are available through the OAS website and can be used free of charge as long as the source is acknowledged. They can be enlarged to their real-size original (300 dpi) by clicking on titles or thumbnails.

OAS Flag
Main Building Main Building
(North Facade)
Main Building
Administration Building
(Constitution Ave.)
Art Museum of the Americas
Main Entrance
Hall of the Americas Hall of Heroes 
Simón Bolívar Room
Guerrero Room  Leo Rowe Room
Courtyard of the Main Building Art Museum of the Americas General Secretariat Building