




  • Report No. 80/07, Case 11.658, Martín Pelicó Coxic
  • Report No. 59/01, Case 10.626, Case 10.626 Remigio Domingo Morales & Rafael Sánchez; Case 10.627 Pedro Tau Cac; Case 11.198(A) José María Ixcaya Pixtay and others; Case 10.799 Catalino Chochoy and others; Case 10.751 Juan Galicia Hernández and others, and Case 10.901 Antulio Delgado, Report No. 59/01, Remigio Domingo Morales and others
  • Report No. 11/98, Case 10.606, Samuel de la Cruz Gómez
  • Report No. 36/93, Case 10.975, - Alejandro Piché Cuca


  • Report No. 8/24, Case 13.083, Akawaio Indigenous Community of Isseneru and its members


  • Report No. 51/16, Case 11.564, Gilberto Jiménez Hernández et al
    Summary (spanish)
  • Report No. 53/01, Case 11.565, Ana, Beatriz, and Celia González Pérez
  • Report No. 1/98, Case 11.543, Rolando Hernández Hernández
  • Report No. 48/97, Case 11.411, Severiano and Hermelindo Santiz Gómez,Sebastián Santiz López "Ejido Morelia"



  • Report No. 29/91, Case 10.264 10.206 10.276 y 10.446 , - Events occurred in the town of Cayara

United States


  • Report No. 138/18, Petition 687-11, Gabriela Blas Blas and her daughter C.B.B.
    Technical Information Sheet of Total Compliance
    Summary (spanish)
  • Report No. 30/04, Petition 4617/02, Mercedes Julia Huenteao Beroiza, et al.



  • Report No. 2/20, Case 12.915, Angel Diaz Cruz, Et Al.
    Technical Information Sheet of Total Compliance
  • Report No. 43/19, Case 13.408, Alberto Patishtan Gomez
    Technical Information Sheet of Total Compliance
  • Report No. 16/16, Case 12.847, Vicenta Sánchez Valdivieso
    Technical Information Sheet of Total Compliance
    Summary (spanish)
  • Report No. 65/14, Case 12.769, Irineo Martínez Torres and Calendario Martínez Damián
    Technical Information Sheet of Total Compliance
  • Report No. 68/12, Petition 318-05, Gerónimo Gómez López
    Technical Information Sheet of Total Compliance
  • Report No. 91/10, Case 12.660, Ricardo Ucán Seca
    Technical Information Sheet of Total Compliance

reports: 6


  • Report No. 256/20, Petition 747-05, The Indigenous Y´Akâ Marangatú Community from the MBYA people
  • Report No. 90/99, Case 11.713, Enxet-Lamenxay and other Indigenous Communities
    Technical Information Sheet of Total Compliance


Salango Community, Ecuador

Case 13.198
Date of submission to the Court:
July 7, 2023
Press Release
Letter of submission

Georgina Gamboa García y sus familiares, Peru

Case 12.964
Date of submission to the Court:
July 5, 2023
Press Release
Letter of submission

Agapito Pérez Lucas, Nicolás Mateo, Macario Pú Chivalán, Luis Ruiz Luis y sus familiares, Guatemala

Case 12.932
Date of submission to the Court:
September 26, 2022
Press Release
Letter of submission

Aucán Huilcamán Pailama y otros, Chile

Case 11.856
Date of submission to the Court:
January 27, 2022
Press Release
Letter of submission

Comunidades Quilombolas de Alcântara, Brazil

Case 12.569
Date of submission to the Court:
January 5, 2022
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Pueblo Indígena U'wa y sus Miembros, Colombia

Case 11.754
Date of submission to the Court:
October 21, 2020
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Pueblos Indígenas en aislamiento voluntario Tagaeri y Taromenane, Ecuador

Case 12.979
Date of submission to the Court:
September 30, 2020
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Comunidad Garífuna de San Juan y sus miembros, Honduras

Case 12.949
Date of submission to the Court:
August 12, 2020
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Mayan Q'eqchi' Indigenous Community of Agua Caliente, Guatemala

Case 13.082
Date of submission to the Court:
August 7, 2020
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Pueblos Indígenas Maya Kaqchikel de Sumpango and others, Guatemala

Case 13.608
Date of submission to the Court:
April 3, 2020
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Comunidades Indígenas Miembros de la Asociación Lhaka Honhat (Nuestra Tierra), Argentina

Case 12.094
Date of submission to the Court:
February 1, 2018
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report



Maurilia Coc Max et al. (Xaman Massacre), Guatemala

Case 11.550
Date of submission to the Court:
September 21, 2016
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report



Xucuru Indigenous People, Brazil

Case 12.728
Date of submission to the Court:
March 16, 2016
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

María Luisa Acosta et al., Nicaragua

Case 12.792
Date of submission to the Court:
July 29, 2015
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Members of the Village of Chichupac and Neighboring Communities of the Municipality of Rabinal, Guatemala

Case 12.788
Date of submission to the Court:
August 5, 2014
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Pueblos Kaliña and Lokono, Suriname

Case 12.639
Date of submission to the Court:
January 26, 2014
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Garifuna Community of Punta Piedra and its Members, Honduras

Case 12.761
Date of submission to the Court:
October 1, 2013
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Comunidad Campesina de Santa Bárbara, Peru

Case 10.932
Date of submission to the Court:
July 8, 2013
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Kuna Indigenous People of Madungandí and Emberá Indigenous People of Bayano and their Members, Panama

Case 12.354
Date of submission to the Court:
February 26, 2013
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Garífuna Community of "Triunfo de la Cruz" and its Members, Honduras

Case 12.548
Date of submission to the Court:
February 21, 2013
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Norín Catriman y otros (Lonkos, dirigentes y activistas del pueblo indígena Mapuche), Chile

Case 12.576
Date of submission to the Court:
August 7, 2011
Press Release
Letter of submission

Merits Report

Comunidad de Rio Negro del Pueblo Indígena Maya y sus miembros, Guatemala

Case 12.649
Date of submission to the Court:
November 30, 2010

Pueblo Indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku y sus miembros, Ecuador

Case 12.465
Date of submission to the Court:
April 26, 2010

Valentina Rosendo Cantú y otra, Mexico

Case 12.579
Date of submission to the Court:
August 2, 2009

Comunidad Indígena Xákmok Kásek del pueblo Enxet-Lengua y sus miembros, Paraguay

Case 12.420
Date of submission to the Court:
July 3, 2009

Inés Fernández Ortega, Mexico

Case 12.580
Date of submission to the Court:
May 7, 2009

Florencio Chitay Nech y Otros, Guatemala

Case 12.599
Date of submission to the Court:
April 17, 2009

María Tiu Tojín y Josefa Tiu Tojín, Guatemala

Case 10.686
Date of submission to the Court:
July 28, 2007

12 Clanes Saramaka, Suriname

Case 12.338
Date of submission to the Court:
June 23, 2006

Germán Escué Zapata, Colombia

Case 10.171
Date of submission to the Court:
May 16, 2006

Comunidad Indígena Sawhoyamaxa del Pueblo Enxet-Lengua y sus Miembros, Paraguay

Case 12.419
Date of submission to the Court:
February 2, 2005

Comunidad Indígena Yakye Axa, Paraguay

Case 12.313
Date of submission to the Court:
March 17, 2003

Pobladores de la comunidad Moiwana, Suriname

Case 11.821
Date of submission to the Court:
December 20, 2002

Pobladores de la Comunidad Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni, Nicaragua

Case 11.577
Date of submission to the Court:
June 4, 1998