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Promotion and Other Activities
Participation of the Rapporteur in the panel "The processes of memorialization: the fifth pillar of transitional justice" in the V International LUM Meeting, organized by the Place of Memory, on December 10, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the panel “The meaning and importance of the Araguaia judgment” in the event “Brazil condemned: 10 years of the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights” organized by the Center for Forensic Anthropology and Archeology of the UNIFESP (CAAF / UNIFESP) December 10, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in a day of reflection and exchange of experiences "The fight for truth from exile: Colombia and Latin America" ??organized by the National University of Rosario, the Colombian Migrants and Exiles for Peace in Argentina (MECoPa) collective, Memoria Abierta and the Commission and the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence, and Non-repetition of Colombia, among other organizations, on November 20, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the Recognition Act “Encounter for the truth‘ The return of our voices ’#VerdadSinFronteras” organized by the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence, and Non-repetition of Colombia on November 13, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the class of the Master of Transitional Justice of the Universidad del Externado in Colombia, regarding Transitional Justice in the Americas, on November 12, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the working group "Reparation to victims and guarantees of non-repetition in transitional justice processes: challenges and realities" of the International Meeting on Transitional Justice "Emerging Responses to Contemporary Atrocities" organized by the JEP with support from the Embassy from Switzerland in Colombia on October 30, 2020.
Participation of the Commissioner in the central act of recognition #LaVerdadIndigena "Indigenous Peoples at Risk of Physical and Cultural Extermination: Their dignity, Resistance and Contributions to Peace" organized by the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and No repeat of Colombia on October 23, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the panel “Ways to move forward in the current global context: How to address impunity in cases of enforced disappearance? Promotion of victim-centered approaches” of the Seminar“ Commemorating 40 years of the Working Group and 10 years of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance ”Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances and Committee against Disappearance Enforced on September 25, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur's lawyer in the panel "The right to be searched from the standards of the Inter-American Human Rights System" in the III International Seminar on the Search for Disappeared Persons with a humanitarian approach, organized by the General Directorate for the Search for Disappeared Persons of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Peru, the Human Rights Commission, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Place of Memory, Tolerance and Social Inclusion of the Ministry of Culture on September 14, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the discussion "Individual or collective reparations: a view from the IAHRS and the comparative experience" of the cycle of virtual seminars "Reparations for victims of human rights violations in Latin America: Facing the dilemmas of the present from the Legacies of the Past ”organized by the Due Process Foundation (DPLF), CRISTOSAL and ICTJ on August 26, 2020.
Participation of a lawyer from the Rapporteurship in the panel "The role of the states in memory public policies" of the Seminar "Memory Policies" organized by the Institute of Democracy and Human Rights of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (IDEHPUCP), in coordination with the High-Level Multisectoral Commission for Peace, Reparation, and Reconciliation of the Ministry of Justice on August 25, 2020.
Participation of the lawyer of the Rapporteurship in the virtual launch of the book “Forced Disappearance in the Inter-American Human Rights System. Balance, impact and challenges ” organized by the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights and the Center for Constitutional Studies of Querétaro on August 6, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in dialogue on reproductive violence against women and LBGTI persons in the framework of the internal armed conflict in Colombia, organized by the Center for Reproductive Rights and the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-repetition Colombia on July 27, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the Forum "Reversal of democratic processes and measures of justice, truth and reparation in El Salvador" organized by the Association for the Search for disappeared girls and boys on July 22, 2020.
Realization of the Webinar "Memory, Truth and Justice in the context of the pandemic" on July 2, 2020.
Promotion of a training session on Transitional Justice for civil society, social leaders, and other social sectors of Nicaragua, in conjunction with the MESENI and the Technical Cooperation, Public Policies and Training Section, within the framework of the agreement between the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the European Commission, June 27, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the Webinar: "Right to memory as a guarantee of non-repetition" organized by the Private Technical University of Loja and the Ombudsman's Office in Ecuador on June 16, 2020.
Launch of the Principles on memory public policies in the Americas within the framework of the 175 Period of Sessions in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on March 4, 2020.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the III Forum of the Inter-American Human Rights System, in a panel: "Memory Strategies to Fight Denialism and Revisionism in the Americas and Presentation of the Principles on Public Policies of Memory in the Americas" co-organized by the IACHR and the Network of Latin American and Caribbean Sites of Memory (RESLAC) on November 7, 2019, in Quito, Ecuador.
On October 23, 2019, the Rapporteurship on Memory, Truth, and Justice of the IACHR promoted a meeting with experts in memory policies with the main objective of collectively analyzing the working document on Principles on Memory Policies in the Americas. The meeting was chaired by the Rapporteur for Truth, Memory, and Justice, Commissioner Antonia Urrejola, and was attended by the specialist of the Rapporteurship and associated personnel of the IACHR. Also attending the meeting were 8 experts from different countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, and Peru) who belong to organizations that are part of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Memory Sites (RESLAC). The meeting took place at the Center for Archeology and Forensic Anthropology of the Federal University of São Paulo (CAAF / UNIFESP), São Paulo, Brazil. The activity contributed to the construction of Resolution 3/19 “ Principles on Public Policies on Memory in the Americas” Approved on November 9, 2019 by the IACHR.
Participation of a lawyer from the Rapporteurship in the panel “The Involvement of other Experts and Families in Mechanisms for Missing Persons” for the workshop “Mechanisms for Missing Persons: Clarifying the Fate and Supporting Families” organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross in Nicosia, Cyprus, October 16
Participation of the Rapporteur in the Forum on Transitional Justice “Towards the construction of a comprehensive policy of transitional justice in El Salvador, on October 10 the Forum was held in the city of San Salvador, with the objectives of deepening knowledge and promote cultural and social transformation for the promotion of human rights and advance a transitional justice agenda, and expose and exchange on the progress and challenges in El Salvador towards the construction of a comprehensive transitional justice policy based on inter-American standards and international human rights, with approximate participation of 170 people.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the panel “Crimes against humanity in the Americas: The cases of Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela”, organized by: DPLF, Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights, CEPAZ PROVEA, José Alvear Lawyers Collective Restrepo, on September 26, 2019, in Washington, D.C.
Participation of a lawyer from the Office of the Rapporteur in the "Conversation The Dialogic Principle in Transitional Justice, Participation of the victims in the construction of the procedural and historical truth"; Organized by Colombian Commission of Jurists, José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers' Collective, Committee of solidarity with political prisoners, Liberty Legal Corporation, Yira Castro Legal Corporation, Humanidad Vigente Legal Corporation, Minga Association, Inter-Church Justice and Peace Commission and Colombia Coordination Europe United States; Colectivo Sociojurídico Orlando Fals Borda, in Bogotá on September 18.
Participation of the Rapporteur in a panel “Situation of the Right to Memory, Truth and Justice in Brazil: From the Policies of Transition to Denialism” of a parallel event Co-organized By Conselho Federal Da Ordem Dos Advogados Do Brasil (OAB); Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS); Vladimir Herzog Institute (IVH) and Center for Studies on Justiça De Transição (UFMG). September 10, 2019, in Geneva, Switzerland.
Holding of an event to commemorate the 40 years of the on-site visit to Argentina on September 6, at the ESMA Memory Site Museum, in the City of Buenos Aires, together with civil society organizations, in which a total of approximately 150 people. Participation of the Rapporteur on the panel The contribution of the IACHR's visit in loco in 1979 to the construction of memory, truth, and justice in Argentina.
Participation of a lawyer from the Office of the Rapporteur in the Forum: “Voices of the Victims: intercultural dialogue and restorative justice”, which took place in the city of Riohacha, department of La Guajira, Colombia, on August 9, organized by the Special Jurisdiction for La Paz and the Attorney General's Office, in Riohacha, Colombia.
Participation of the Rapporteur in the panel "The importance of the construction of truth and memory for the recognition of women's rights" in the parallel event to the OAS General Assembly: "The voice of women in peacebuilding: from the territory to international standards ”, organized by the Center for Reproductive Rights and the Women's Justice Collective Corporation on June 26.
Participation of the First Vice President, Commissioner Joel in the panel "Human rights in the construction of justice, truth and memory in contexts of armed conflict" in the parallel event to the General Assembly of the OAS: "The voice of women in the peacebuilding: from the territory to international standards ”, organized by the Center for Reproductive Rights and the Women's Justice Collective Corporation on June 26.
Participation of a lawyer from the Office of the Rapporteur in a Dialogue Table between high authorities on Transitional Justice on April 24, in the city of San Salvador, El Salvador, where there was approximate participation of 50 people.
Holding 3 training sessions on transitional justice and introduction to the Inter-American System, organized in conjunction with the MESENI and the technical cooperation section of the IACHR, on April 10, April 24, and May 3, for the Commission on Justice UNAB of Nicaragua.
Organization of 2 training sessions on transitional justice and introduction to the Inter-American System, organized in conjunction with the MESENI and the technical cooperation section of the IACHR, on March 29, April 6, and 12 for the Committee for the Release of Dams and Political Prisoners of Nicaragua.
In the framework of its 171st Regular Period of Sessions held in Sucre, Bolivia, the IACHR, with the support of the Latin American Transitional Justice Network (RLAJT) and the Network of Latin American and Caribbean Sites of Memory (RESLAC), summoned civil society organizations, States and other users of the Inter-American Human Rights System to participate in the second public consultation of the Thematic Unit Memory, Truth, and Justice.
The activity held on February 14, 2019, sought to facilitate the participation of people and organizations from the Andean region and was attended by 30 people, 83% from that region. The consultation had two objectives: to identify priorities in matters of Memory, Truth and Justice, in the permanent process of participatory construction of the Unit's work, and to receive contributions to a preliminary working document on principles and good practices in memory policies in the Americas.
Likewise, the IACHR received virtually and through physical documentation proposals that contributed to the preparation of to produce a set of diagnoses on the challenges, scenarios, and trends in Memory, Truth, and Justice, as well as action proposals for the Unit. Thematic in its initial period.
The synthesis of the diagnoses and suggestions received in the framework of the face-to-face activity, as well as those received virtually, is available at this link. The methodology and program for this second consultation are available at this link .
Within the framework of technical cooperation activities to strengthen state capacities in the justice sector, a four-month training session on Transitional Justice was held for members of the Justice sector in El Salvador. The training event was held in collaboration with the Coordinating Commission of the Justice Sector of that country and through the Executive Technical Unit (UTE).
The training activity is part of the "Regional Project on Human Rights and Democracy", executed jointly with the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) and is financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The objective of the project is to contribute to strengthening knowledge about the Inter-American Human Rights System and its standards in the key local actors in charge of protecting and defending human rights in the States of the Northern Triangle of Central America.
The training workshop was held in four consecutive modules between August and November 2018, with a total duration of 64 hours and with the participation of 280 civil servants and civil servants of the justice sector in El Salvador. Throughout the modules, IACHR specialists, as well as international experts, developed different topics of relevance in the matter of transitional justice, in particular the right to truth, memory, and justice, the importance of conventionality control, the imprescriptibility of crimes against humanity, the inter-American standards related to the forced disappearance of persons, the responsibilities of third parties and crime patterns, as well as the need for comprehensive reparations in cases of serious human rights violations, among others. "
In the framework of its 165th Regular Period of Sessions held in Montevideo, Uruguay, the IACHR summoned civil society organizations, States, and other users of the Inter-American Human Rights System to participate in a public consultation on the Thematic Unit Memory, Truth, and Justice. The activity carried out on October 21, 2017, gave continuity to the participatory process of construction of the IACHR Strategic Plan 2017-2021 and its main objective was to receive suggestions on the priority lines of action with a view to preparing the work plan of the Unit Theme for the 2018-2019 period.
The consultation was attended by 120 people from 17 countries in the region. Likewise, the IACHR received virtually and through physical documentation proposals that contributed to producing a set of diagnoses on the challenges, scenarios, and trends in Memory, Truth, and Justice, as well as action proposals for the Thematic Unit in its initial period. .
The synthesis of the suggestions of the Consultation on the Thematic Unit Memory, Truth and Justice Inter-American Commission on Human Rights is available at that link a>, as well as the Methodological document of the meeting .