The SRFOE calls on the authorities of the United
States to generate the conditions for a broad, plural, and robust deliberation
in learning spaces and academic environments
October 20, 2022
D.C. – The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (SRFOE)
of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expresses its concern
over reports suggesting an increase in literary censorship in the United
States, particularly in K-12 schools. The Office of the Rapporteur calls on
authorities, at all levels of government, to create the necessary conditions to
uphold the right to freedom of expression and access to information of students
and teachers, as well as of researchers, writers, and illustrators who
contribute to the development of the literary ecosystem.
to public reports, book availability in U.S. school libraries may have been
significantly reduced due to the increasing censorship of various literary
works between July 2021 and June 2022; at least 2,532 books have been presumably
banned during this period, including 1,648 unique titles. Analyses carried out
by civil society organizations and the media indicate that most
banned books address LGBTQI+ persons and issues, the fight against racism,
sexual & reproductive rights and education, as well as social activism. As reported
by PEN America, instances of book banning were registered in 138 of
approximately 13,000 school
districts in 32 of 50 states, affecting the access to
information of nearly four million of approximately 56 million students in more than five
thousand of approximately 130,000 schools. Similarly, these
bans seem to have impacted the works of at least 1,261 authors, 290
illustrators and 18 translators. Per reported data, at least 139 additional
bans have possibly occurred since July 2022.
in relation to the aforementioned reports on restrictions to literature, the
Office of the Special Rapporteur documented in its 2021 Annual
Report several bill proposals and enacted legislation
that attempt to limit the circulation of critical perspectives on racism and
gender in learning spaces. This Office also notes that such censorship could have
originated in parents and communities, in addition to administrative decisions,
or legislators or other public officials, purportedly ensuring
non-discrimination against racial and religious majorities in the United
the IACHR and its Office of the Special Rapporteur have asserted on many
occasions, freedom of expression is an essential right to exercise other rights,
including the right to education, access to culture, freedom of religion or
belief, and freedom of peaceful assembly and association, among others. As the SRFOE
has maintained in its reports, "the lack of freedom of expression is a cause
that contributes to the disregard of other human rights" and, therefore, "the
preservation of freedom of expression is a necessary condition for the peaceful
and free functioning of democratic societies in the Americas."
XII of the American Declaration
on the Rights and Duties of Man provides that "every
person has the right to education, which should be based on the principles of liberty,
morality and human solidarity," understood by Inter-American jurisprudence as
essential values for the preservation of pluralism and tolerance, basic pillars
of democratic societies. It also states that "every person has the right to
freely profess a religious faith, and to manifest and practice it both in
public and in private." As such, the States must generate the conditions for
there to be a true public deliberation–one that considers the diversity of
society–on matters that concern all citizens, contemplating the breadth and
plurality of voices, to process the tensions between rights and public
controversies in an open and peaceful fashion, respectful of human rights. In
the words of the IACHR, "full and free discussion prevents a society from
paralyzing and prepares it for the tensions and frictions that destroy
civilizations. A free society, today and tomorrow, is one that can openly
engage in rigorous public debate about itself." For this Office, the measures
aimed at banning books in schools, instead of giving rise to a broad and robust
debate on relevant issues that may be controversial for various people or
groups of people, directly impede the possibilities of democratic deliberation.
this regard, the duty of the States to guarantee the right to freedom of
expression also implies contributing to the formation of a citizenry which "is
willing to discuss with others the reasons that enable it to support a theory
or make a decision", as a report by
the Office of the Special Rapporteur pointed out.
Making it difficult to discuss issues of public relevance in academic environments,
which par excellence shape citizens and prepare children for life in society,
undermines the potential of education to develop the values of understanding,
solidarity, respect, and responsibility.
the same time, the SRFOE highlights that education is a way to transmit
messages that eradicate prejudices and build more inclusive and tolerant
societies. As a report from the Office of
the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
(SRESCER) explains, States are called upon to guarantee the preservation of the
distinctive forms of expression of groups historically discriminated against and
excluded from public debate, thereby promoting the collective memory of these
people and contributing to tolerance and respect in society.
SRFOE calls for reflection and encourages the State to distance itself from
actions that contribute to the deterioration of public discourse and the
restriction of freedom of expression by taking all the measures within its
reach so that diversity can be integrated into the different spheres of
society, including education. As this Office has repeatedly affirmed, this
right protects not only the dissemination of ideas and information received
favorably or considered inoffensive or indifferent, but also those that offend,
shock or disturb the State or any sector of the population.
Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression is an office created
by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to stimulate the
hemispheric defense of the right to freedom of thought and expression,
considering its fundamental role in the consolidation and development of the
democratic system.