Situation of the human rights of indigenous peoples in the context of extractive activities in Bolivia
Human rights situation in the context of impunity in Nicaragua
Case 13.349 - Jorge Luis de la Rosa Mejía and others ("Disappeared of San Onofre") vs Colombia
Situation of the human rights of afrodescendants in Uruguay
Situation of military justice in Brazil
Situation of public policies on business and human rights in Peru (Requested by the State)
Case 13.641 - Comunidades Campesinas y Rondas Campesinas de las provincias de Celendín, Hualgayoc-Bambamarca y Cajamarca vs Perú
Human rights situation of groups in situation of vulnerability in Cuba
Situation of human rights of Haitian people in human mobility in the region
Situation of Judicial Independence in El Salvador
The human rights situation in the context of cyber-surveillance in El Salvador
Situation of human rights of LGBTI people in Honduras
Situation of human rights of migrants and their families in Dominican Republic
Human Rights Situation of Persons Deprived of Liberty in Venezuela
Situation of forced evictions and agrarian policies in Paraguay
Situation of the right to health of the relatives of the disappeared persons in Mexico
Human Rights Situation of Environmental Defenders in Panama
Situation of judicial independence in Argentina
Case 13.807 - Santiago Efrain Velázquez Coello and Jorge Guillermo Alvear Macías vs Ecuador
Situation of access to sexual and reproductive education for children and adolescents in Ecuador