Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI to Negotiate the Draft Declaration of Medellín, “Youth and Democratic Values”




Draft Declaration of Medellín “Youth and Democratic Values" GTC/DEM-3/08 rev. 21


Talking points of Lenore Yaffee Garcia, Department of Education and Culture on the First Meeting of the working group GTC/DEM/INF.1/08


Officers, working procedure, and dates reserved for upcoming meetings (Agreements reached at the meeting of March 27, 2008) GTC/DEM-4/08


Proposals for the Draft Declaration of Medellín: “Youth and Democratic Values” (Panama) GTC/DEM-5/08

Chart incorporating the proposals presented by Member States to the Draft Declaration of Medellín: “Youth and Democratic Values”  GTC/DEM-10/08rev. 1

Order of Business
9 May 2008
7 May 2008
2 May 2008
30 abril 2008
25 abril 2008
23 abril 2008
18 abril 2008

16 abril 2008
11 abril 2008
9 abril 2008
4 April 2008

27 March 2008


28 March 2007

