GTC - Social Charter of the Americas

Sub-Working Groups

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About the Working Group


In resolution AG/RES. 2056 (XXXIV-O/04), the General Assembly instructed the Permanent Council and the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) to jointly prepare a draft Social Charter of the Americas and a Plan of Action, which includes the principles of social development and establishes specific goals and targets that reinforce the existing instruments of the Organization of the American States on democracy, integral development, and the fight against poverty.

The importance of the  Social Charter initiative was emphasized by the Heads of State and Government, gathered at the Fourth Summit of the Americas, held in Mar del Plata, Argentina, in November 2005, in encouraging “the OAS in drafting the Social Charter of the Americas and its Plan of Action, whose principles and objectives will be directed towards the achievement by member states of societies that offer all of our citizens more opportunities to benefit from sustainable development with equity and social inclusion,” requested encouragement of “the work now under way in the OAS, to conclude successfully the negotiation of the Social Charter of the Americas and its Plan of Action.”

In carrying out this task, the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI established the Joint Working Group, whose work began in September 2005.  In resolutions AG/RES. 2139 (XXXV-O/05) and AG/RES. 2241 (XXXVI-O/06), the Assembly reiterated said mandate to the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI.

Information extracted from GTC/CASA/doc.48/07 rev. 2

Secretary of the Working Group

Currently the Secretary of this Working Group is José Gabriel Salazar Guerrero (link-perfil)