Special Committee on Transnational Organized Crime

This Special Committee concluded its work on October 25, 2006, with the presentation of the Committee Chair’s report to the Permanent Council (CE/DOT 56/06) and the approval of the Hemispheric Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime by way of Permanent Council resolution CP/RES. 908 (1567/06).


President:  Juan Sandoval, Alternate Representative of México

Vicepresident:  Flavio Villacorta, Alternate Representative of El Salvador




13 October 2006
22 August 2006
5 July 2006
19 June 2006
13 June 2006
5 April 2006
16 March 2006
6 March 2006
15 February 2006
14 February 2006
3 February 2006



31 October 2005
21 October 2005
19 October 2005




Work plan CE/DOT-1/05 rev. 2

Status of ratifications or accessions to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (The Palermo Convention and its Protocols) CE/DOT-3/05 corr. 1

Summary of the status of the topic of transnational organized crime in the OAS context—Presentation by Mr. Eduardo Mendoza, Principal Specialist, Office of International Threats, Department of Multidimensional Security CE/DOT-7/05

Work schedule CE/DOT-9/05

Manifestations of organized crime: Corruption (Presentation made by John M. Brandolino, Director for Anti-Corruption and Governance Initiatives, U.S. Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs CE/DOT-14/05

  • Illicit firearms manufacturing and trafficking (Presentation by Michael Sullivan of the Office of the Legal Advisor to the Secretary General of the OAS at the meeting held on December 14, 2005) - add. 2

Highlights of FINTRAC’S 2004-2005 annual report (Presented by the Delegation of Canada) CE/DOT-15/05

Manifestations of organized crime:  Illicit arms trafficking (Presentation made by Pericles Gasparini Alves, Director Regional Clearing-House Programme on Firearms, Ammunition and Explosives, Coordinator United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean) CE/DOT-17/05

Manifestations of organized crime:  Illicit arms trafficking (Presentation by Pericles Gasparini Alves, Director, and Hugo Corales Compagnucci, Regional-house Programme on Firearms, Ammunition and Explosives Coordinator, United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-LiREC) CE/DOT-19/05

Progress Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on Transnational Organized Crime CE/DOT-32/06 rev. 1

  • Draft hemispheric plan of action against transnational organized crime - add. 1 rev. 1

Work methodology and timetable of the Special Committee on Transnational Organized Crime (Proposal submitted by the Chair of the Special Committee) CE/DOT-36/06

Draft hemispheric plan of action to combat transnational crime (as of October 10, 2006) CE/DOT-40/06 rev. 10

  • Statement by Colombia on Protocols to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Palermo Convention) - add. 1
  • Text proposed by the Delegation of Ecuador - add. 2
  • Observation of the Government of Venezuela - add. 3 corr. 1

Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama forwarding the Panama Declaration on the “Ministerial Conference on International Cooperation against Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime” CE/DOT-41/06

Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on Transnational Organized Crime CE/DOT-44/06

Draft resolution:  Fighting transnational organized crime in the hemisphere CE/DOT-45/06 rev. 2

Note from the Chair of the Special Committee on the meeting to be held on September 11, 12 and 13, 2006 CE/DOT/INF-1/06 rev. 1

Proposal by the Delegation of the United States regarding the draft hemispheric plan of action against transnational organized crime CE/DOT-51/06

Draft resolution Hemispheric Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime CE/DOT-53/06 rev. 1 corr. 1


Meeting with Experts (Washington, D.C., 12-14 September 2006)

Program CE/DOT-50/06 rev. 1

Remarks by Karen Kramer, Project Coordinator, anti Organized Crime and Law-Enforcement Unit, United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeCE/DOT/INF-2/06


Order of Business



24 March 2009


17 October 2006
10 October 2006
8 May 2006
16 April 2006
31 March 2006
27 March 2006
15 February 2006
1 February 2006
25 January 2006
18 January 2006
11 January 2006



14 December 2005
7 December 2005
30 November 2005
23 November 2005
16 November 2005
9 November 2005
19 October 2005


Summary of meetings

14 December 2005
7 December 2005
30 November 2005
16 November 2005
9 November 2005
19 October 2005