Bienes Inmuebles

2017 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000


Chairs's Report to the CAAP towards a Comprehensive Real Estate Strategy CAAP/GT/RVPP-320/17 rev. 1

Chair's Background Note towards a Comprehensive Real Estate Strategy phase 4: Making a recommendation CAAP/GT/RVPP-313/17 rev. 2

Chair's Background Note towards a Comprehensive Real Estate Strategy phase 3: Evaluating Options CAAP/GT/RVPP-303/17 rev. 1

Chair's Background Note towards a Comprehensive Real Estate Strategy phase 2: Identifying Options phase 2: Identifying Options CAAP/GT/RVPP-291/17 rev. 1

Chair's Background Note towards a Comprehensive Real Estate Strategy phase 2: Identifying Options chair's Proposed Draft Analysis of Options annexes 5 & 6 CAAP/GT/RVPP-291/17 add. 1

Chair's Background Note towards a Comprehensive Real Estate Strategy - Phase 1: Assessing the Needs CAAP/GT/RVPP-285/17 rev. 2


Integrated Real Property Strategy CAAP/GT/RVPP-232/14


Report of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs regarding the "Comprehensive Real Estate Strategy: Updated version" CP/CAAP-3211/13 rev. 3 CP/CAAP-3235/13

Note for the decision of the CAAP Integrated Real Estate Strategy CP/CAAP-3211/13 rev. 4

OAS Real Estate Strategy (Presented during the meeting of the Working Group on the Review of OAS Programs December 16, 2013) CP/CAAP-3211/13 rev. 4 add. 1


Note for the information of the CAAP Information requested concerning the status of the Casa del Soldado CP/CAAP-3196/12

Current situation of the Casa del Soldado (Presented by the Inter-American Defense Board)  CP/CAAP/INF.55/12

  • Situación actual de la “Casa del Soldado” (Presentado por la Junta Interamericana de Defensa)  CP/CAAP/INF.55/12 add. 1

Note from the Chair of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs Real Estate Strategy CP/CAAP-3170/12



Ownership of OAS Real Property (Prepared by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP-3127/11 corr. 2

Draft resolution Amendment of the Inter-American Defense Board Statutes (Presented by the Chair) CP/CAAP-3123/11 rev. 1 corr. 1

Draft resolution Modification of facilities usage guidelines (Presented by the Chair) CP/CAAP-3122/11 rev. 2

Real Property Strategy and Investment Plan to maximize the potential of OAS Real Estate CP/CAAP-3089/11

  • Real Property Strategy and Investment Plan to maximize the potential of OAS Real Property - Supplementary Informations  CP/CAAP-3089/11add. 1 corr. 1 

  • Real Property Strategy and Investment plan to maximize the potential of OAS Real Property Supplementary Information CP/CAAP-3089/11 add. 2 corr. 1

  • Proposed Real Estate Strategy CP/CAAP-3089/11 add. 3

  • Note for the information of the CAAP Working Group on OAS Programs on the Real Estate Strategy CP/CAAP-3089/11 add. 4


OAS Infrastructure Improvement Project Status Report (Presented by the Secretariat of Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP-3044/10

OAS Infrastructure Improvement Project Status Report (Presented by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance  during the meeting of CAAP held on February 2, 2010) CP/CAAP/INF-30/10


Contributions from Permanent Observer countries to the OAS 1999-2008 (Presented by the Department ofInternational Affairs at the meeting held on September 9, 2009) CP/CAAP/INF-25/09

CAAP Agreement on the Use of Resources from the Capital Building Fund  CP/CAAP-3022/09 rev. 1

Strategy to enhance energy efficiency at OAS Headquarter buildings CP/CAAP-3010/09

  • Strategy to enhance energy efficiency at OAS Headquarter buildings CP/CAAP-3010/09 add. 1

Summary proposal to undertake urgent structural repairs and install a new boiler plant CP/CAAP/INF-23/09

Proposal to undertake urgent structural repairs in the main building of the Organization of American States and the General Secretariat buildingCP/CAAP-3007/09 rev. 1 corr. 1

  • Proposal to undertake urgent structural repairs at OAS Main and General Secretariat Building  CP/CAAP-3007/09 add. 1 rev. 1


OAS Real Property: Existing Conditions and Structural Survey Reports Additional Information CP/CAAP-2946/08 add. 1


Report of the General Secretariat on the Use of special Funds for the Upgrade of OAS Building facilities for the period January 1 March 31, 2007CP/CAAP-2916/07

OAS Real Property: Existing Conditions and Structural Survey Reports CP/CAAP-2946/07

  • OAS real property:  existing conditions and structural survey reports Additional information CP/CAAP-2946/07 add. 1

Art Museum of the Americas presentation on the review of the inventory February 13, 2007 CP/CAAP-2893/07

Statement of Supplementary Appropriations pursuant to resolution CP/RES. 831 (1342/02). Form inception (January 7, 2003) to December 31, 2006CP/CAAP-2889/07


Report on flood damage in the OAS Main Building (Prepared by the General Secretariat) CP/CAAP/INF.5/06

Statement of supplementary appropriations pursuant to CP/RES.831 (1342/02) CP/CAAP/INF.2/06 corr. 1

Simón Bolívar Room renovation project - Final report CP/CAAP-2837/06

Report of the General Secretariat on the use of the Special Fund for Building Improvements, Maintenance Services and other Urgent Needs (BIMS) for the period March 1 - June 30 2006 CP/CAAP/Rep.3/06


Simón Bolívar Room renovation project - financial review CP/CAAP-2793/05

Report on progress of the Simón Bolívar renovation project CP/CAAP-2758/05

Report of the Chairman of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs on the renovation of the Simón Bolívar Room presented to the Permanent Council 30 March 2005 CP/CAAP-2736/05

Report on the renovation of the Simón Bolívar Room CP/CAAP-2733/05

Report on the renovation of the Simón Bolívar Room CP/CAAP-2728/05


Quarterly status report on the renovation of the General Secretariat Building (Document presented by the Secretariat for Management) CP/CAAP-2691/04

Information on the Simón Bolívar Room renovation (Presented by the General Secretariat at the request of the Committee) CP/CAAP-2721/04 corr. 1

Status report on the renovation of the Simón Bolívar Room (AG/RES. 2059 (XXXIV-O/04) CP/CAAP-2722/04


Quarterly status report on the renovation of the General Secretariat Building (Document presented by the Secretariat for Management) CP/CAAP-2649/03

Quarterly status report on the renovation of the General Secretariat Building CP/CAAP-2664/03

Quarterly status report on the renovation of the General Secretariat Building CP/CAAP-2676/03


Quarterly progress report on the renovation of the General Secretariat building CP/CAAP-2623/02

Report on status of renovation of the General Secretariat Building (GSB) CP/CAAP-2628/02

Draft resolution:  Renovation of the Simon Bolivar Room and the space formerly occupied by the Columbus Memorial Library stacks in the Main OAS Building CP/CAAP-2629/02 rev. 1


Quarterly progress report on the renovation of the General Secretariat Building CP/CAAP-2553/01


Information on the current status of work on remodeling the General Services Building CP/CAAP-2544/00