Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD)

AICD/JD/INF.69/20: Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador submitting the addition of the Government of El Salvador's  proposal for the prioritization of the area of action for the 2021-2024 programming cycle of the DCF.
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.68/20: Note from the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica enclosing the proposal of its delegation for the approach for  defining the  area of action for the 2021-2024 programming cycle of the DCF.
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.67/20: Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina regarding the choice of the topic "Science and Technology" as the priority area of action for the 2021-2024 programming cycle of the DCF.
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.66/20: Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina enclosing proposals and suggestions by its delegation, in relation to issues discussed at the meeting of the Management Board of the IACD, held on March 12, 2020.
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.65/20: Budget Allocation to the Scholarship Program: (Presented by the Director of the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment, at the meeting of the Management Board of the IACD, held on March 12, 2020).
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.64/20: Status of the Execution of Projects under the Development Cooperation Fund (DCF), Programming Cycle 2017-2021  (Presented by the Secretariat at the meeting of the Management Board of the IACD, held on March 12, 2020).
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.63/20: Priorities for the 2020-2021 Work Plan of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD) (Presentated by the Secretariat at the meeting of the Management Board of the IACD, held on March 12, 2020).
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.62/20: Table of the Balance of the Development Cooperation Fund (DFC) as of March 2, 2020 (Prepared by the Secretariat for the meeting of the Management Board of the IACD, held on March 12, 2020).
                                English * - Español

AICD/JD/INF.61/20: Draft Document - OAS Scholarship Program - Budget executed in 2019 and Projections for 2020 (Prepared by the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment, in accordance with decision No.4 adopted at the meeting of the Management Board of the IACD, held on December 9, 2019).
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.60/20: Audit Cost for the Development Cooperation Fund (DCF) Fiscal years: 2019,2020 and 2021 (submitted by the Secretary for Administration and  Finance of the OAS).
                                English - Español

*Available only in this language