Tania Reneaum Panszi
Tania Reneaum Panszi is the Executive Secretary of the IACHR since June 1, 2021. Doctor in Law from the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain; she holds two Master's degrees, an International Master in Criminal Law and Comparative Social Problems from the University of Barcelona and the Official Master Degree in Legal Sciences from the Pompeu Fabra University; she also holds a degree in Legal Sciences from the José Simeón Cañas Central American University in El Salvador. Tania has more than 23 years of professional experience working for human rights in the academic field and with civil society, government, and international organizations; and has extensive knowledge of the instruments of the Inter-American System. She was executive director of Amnesty International in Mexico; in the area of talent and financial resource management, she led numerous teams in various organizations and carried out successful fundraising strategies.
María Claudia Pulido
Maria Claudia Pulido has been the Assistant Executive Secretary for the Monitoring, Promotion and Technical Cooperation since September 1st, 2017. A Colombian Attorney, she is responsible for the direction and supervision of situation-monitoring mechanisms on Human Rights, especially in the production of thematic and country reports, promotion activities, technical training and cooperation; and on the monitoring of the recommendations set by the IACHR to the OAS Member States. She’s been working for the IACHR since 2001, where she coordinated the Friendly Settlement Section, the South Cone; the Office of the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty; and the Administrative and Financial Section of the Executive Secretariat. Furthermore, she was an officer at the Guatemala and Peru Desks. Previously, she worked as an attorney at the Center for Justice and International Law. Domestically in Colombia, she coordinated the National Unit for Human Rights Monitoring at the National Inspector-General’s Office; she worked for the National Rights Unit of the National Directorate of Criminal Instruction and as an Assistant Prosecutor on Human Rights of the Office of the National Public Prosecutor. As a graduate from the Colombia Externado University, she pursued postgraduate studies in Criminal Law and Criminology at the same Institution; a certificate in Human Rights from the Superior School of Public Administration; and holds an MA in International Law and Human Rights, from the Washington College of Law, of the American University.
Jorge Meza Flores
Jorge Meza Flores is the Assistant Executive Secretary for the Petition and Case System since May 1, 2022. He has a law degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and a Master's Degree in Legal Studies from Georgetown University, with 14 years of experience in human rights. For the past 11 years, he has worked at the IACHR, occupying different positions that include the position of Coordinator of the Cases Section and the Precautionary Measures Section, as well as a specialist in case management of the then-existing Court Group and the Rapporteurship. about defenders and defenders. Previously, he carried out consultancies in human rights and research institutions in Mexico, in addition to coordinating various training courses on the Inter-American System. His professional experience and academic training have allowed him to obtain comprehensive knowledge of the different mechanisms of the Inter-American Human Rights System.
Patricia Colchero
Patricia Colchero has been Chief of Staff since November 16, 2022. She is a Mexican lawyer with a Master's in political and social studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She took part in developing the IACHR Strategic Plan for 2023-2027, working as a consultant within the Planning and Projects Section. From 2019 to 2021, she coordinated work around violence, migration, and adolescent justice in the Mexican government's National System for the Protection of Children and Adolescents. From 2015 to 2018, she worked at the Unit for the Defense of Human Rights at the Ministry of the Interior: from 2017-2018 as Head of the Unit, and from 2015-2016 as Head of the Unit for the Prevention, Monitoring, and Analysis of the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists. She served as the Director of Assistance to Relatives of Disappeared People (2013-2014) and Coordinator of Public Policy (2014-2015) at the Attorney General's Office. From 2011-2012, she was a member of the Commission for Assistance to Victims of the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity. In 2010, she advised the State Civic Alliance on the Electoral Observation Program as a consultant. From 2001 to 2009, she worked at the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City as Executive Director of Follow-Up on Recommendations; General Director of Complaints and Orientation; and Second General Visitor. From 1999 to 2001, she was the Coordinator of Advisors to Electoral Counselors at the Federal District Electoral Institute. From 1994 to 1998, she served as National Coordinator of the Program against Vote-Buying and Coercion and Coordinator of the National Consultation System at Alianza Cívica.
Luiz Marcelo Azevedo
Luiz Marcelo Azevedo is currently the Senior Officer-in-Charge of the Office of Administration and Institutional Affairs of the ES/IACHR. He joined the ES/IACHR in June 2018 as a Special Advisor to the Executive Secretary in charge of the liaison with States and Political Organs of the OAS. A dual US-Brazil national, he studied Law at the Federal University of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Natal, Brazil) and holds a LL.M (with Distinction) in International Legal Studies from Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.). He also holds a Master’s Degree in Accounting with a specialization in Forensic Accounting from American University (Washington, D.C.). Before joining the ES/IACHR, he was a Legal Officer from 2003-2016 with the OAS Department of Legal Cooperation where he worked on issues related to the fight against corruption in the Americas and drafted reports on the implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption for several countries in the Hemisphere. Subsequently, from 2016-2018, he served as an advisor to the OAS Secretary for Legal Affairs, in charge of providing legal advice and technical expertise to the political organs of the OAS, particularly the Permanent Council’s Working Group to Prepare an Institutional Strengthening Proposal for the OAS.
Pedro Vaca Villarreal
Pedro Vaca Villarreal is the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) since October 6th, 2020. He is a Colombian lawyer from Universidad Nacional of Colombia. He has a Master's degree in Law and a Specialization in Constitutional Law, with more than 12 years of professional experience in the field of human rights. He has litigated on behalf of victims of serious violations of freedom of expression. From 2013 to 2020, he served as Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom of the Press (FLIP) in Colombia. He has extensive experience in organizational management, inter-sectoral dialogue, and articulation of teams and networks. He currently is also a professor for the Master's Program in Journalism at Universidad de los Andes. He has led regional processes in defense of freedom of expression from positions of responsibility. He was a member of the Advisory Network of the Media Freedom Coalition and of the Global Council of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX). Was part of the UNESCO team for the training of judges in Bolivia, Mexico and Colombia. He was a consultant to Freedom House for the Colombia chapter of the global report on internet freedom and co-founded the Presunto Podcast.
Javier Palummo Lantes
Javier Palummo is s Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights. D. in Law and Social Sciences from the Universidad de la República (Uruguay), with a doctorate in Human Rights from the Universidad Nacional de Lanús (Argentina) and a master's degree in Public Policy and Children's Rights; and has studied at renowned institutions and universities in Chile, Italy, Peru, Sweden, and Finland.
His career includes membership as an independent expert in United Nations bodies such as the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council and the Working Group on Communications of the Complaint Procedure before the Council. He was Director of Research and Information Management and Academic Coordinator of the International School of the MERCOSUR Institute for Public Policy on Human Rights (2015 to 2023).
He has more than 20 years of professional experience in the field of human rights, DESCA, academia, civil society, government, and international organizations where he has worked in public management and public policies for social development, children's and women's rights.
Andrés Pizarro Sotomayor
Panamanian lawyer graduated from the Law School of the Santa Maria La Antigua University in Panama (2006), with a master of laws (LLM) in international law with emphasis on human rights from the University of Notre Dame, USA (2009). He joined the IACHR as a fellow from 2007 to 2008; and in 2009 –after his LLM program– he was hired as a specialist for the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty. In 2014 he joined the former Mesoamerican and Caribbean Spanish-Speaking section; and from 2015 to the present, he works in the Directorate of Petitions and Cases. He is the author of several publications and translations, and has taken specialization and continuing education courses at American University (USA), the University of Essex (United Kingdom) and The Hague Academy of International Law (The Netherlands). Prior to his work in the Inter-American Commission, he worked in NGOs in Panama and the United States.
Corina Leguizamón
E. Débora Benchoam
E. Debora Benchoam has worked for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) since 1999 and is currently the Coordinator of the Promotion, Training and Technical Cooperation Section. Among several prior responsibilities at the IACHR, she worked in the Admissibility Section and in charge of the Special Working Group for countries of the Common Law, also was the Chief of Staff of the Executive Secretariat (2017-2018), Coordinator of the Friendly Settlement Section (2018), Director of Thematic Monitoring (2015-2017), Coordinator of the Protection Group (2009-2013), Desk officer for Peru (2014) and Bolivia and Venezuela (2004-2008), specialist at the Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression (1999-2004) and liaison for the Rapporteurships on Human Rights Defenders, and Rights of Children. Before joining the IACHR she was a consultant for Disability Rights International and other institutions. She is a law graduate from Georgetown University Law Center and has a master degree in education from Teachers College, Columbia University. A native from Argentina, during the last military dictatorship, Mrs. Benchoam, as a teenager, was arrested and was a political prisoner in Argentina from 1977-1981 when she was given refugee status in the United States.
Erika Montero
Colombian lawyer, graduated from the Universidad Libre. She currently works as a specialist in human rights and conflict resolution of the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR, as Coordinator of the Friendly Settlements and Follow-up Section. She was also in charge of the Unit on the Rights of Older Persons, as well as the monitoring of the human rights situation in Bolivia and Peru. She was Consultant of the Registry Group of the IACHR, worked in the Court Group and the Rapporteurship on the Rights of the Child of the IACHR. Previously, she worked as a researcher in the Advanced Studies Program in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law of American University Washington College of Law. She also worked at the Fred London Law Office in Baltimore, on issues of medical assistance, disability and social security. She was a Professional Visitor in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and did internships in the offices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Center for Justice and International Law CEJIL, and before the Administrative Contentious Jurisdiction in Colombia. She holds a Master's Degree (LLM) in International Law and Human Rights from American University Washington College of Law and a Master's Degree in Conflict Resolution from the San Martin de Porres University of Peru. She has also done graduate studies at the Academy of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law as well as in the Center for International Arbitration of American University Washington College of Law. In addition, she is a mediator trained under the requirements of Rule 17 of the Maryland Court of Appeals.
Fernanda Alves dos Anjos
Fernanda Alves dos Anjos, a Brazilian national, is a human rights specialist and currently works as Coordinator of the IACHR's Precautionary and Provisional Measures Section, after having been Chief of Staff and coordinated the areas of Follow-up of Recommendations and Monitoring II. She has a master's degree in Law from the University of Brasilia. She was the Coordinator of the International Humanitarian Cooperation Project on migration, refuge, statelessness, and human trafficking of the MERCOSUR Institute of Public Policies on Human Rights (2015-2016). In Brazil, she was Director of the Department of Justice of the National Secretariat of Justice of the Ministry of Justice (2011-2015). She was Chief of Staff and Project Manager of the National Secretariat for Public Security (2007-2010) and Chief of Staff of the National Secretariat of Justice (2007), both from the Ministry of Justice of Brazil. She coordinated the areas of Strategic Policies and Legislation of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education (2005-2007). She was a consultant for UNDP (2010-2011) and UNESCO (2004) in Brazil. Assessora Jurídica do Instituto de Migrações e Direitos Human - IMDH (2002-2003). She was a counselor of the following National Councils of Brazil: National Council for Women's Rights, Federal Council of the Program for the Protection of Witnesses and Persons Threatened with Death, National Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons, and National Committee for Rights Education Humans in Brazil.
Fiorella Melzi
Fiorella Melzi is a Peruvian and U.S attorney and human rights specialist. Currently she works as coordinator of the Monitoring Area 1 of the IACHR, which includes Mexico and Central America, as well as the Rapporteurship on Human Rights Defenders and Justice Operators, the Rapporteurship on Memory, Truth and Justice and the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Older Persons. She has worked in the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR since August 2006 and has held various positions within the office. She served as coordinator in the Geographic Monitoring section (2015-2017), worked in the Spanish-speaking Mesoamerica and Caribbean section (2010-2015), where she was acting coordinator between 2013 and 2015, and worked in the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Women (2006-2011). In Peru, she worked as a consultant for the Peruvian Ombudsman's Office (2006), for the United Nations Population Fund in Peru (2002-2004), and for civil society organizations. Fiorella is a graduate of the Law School of the University of Lima, Peru. She received an LLM from the University of Toronto, Canada.
Flor Elba Castro-Hughes is an industrial engineer from Colombia. She has worked at the IACHR since July 2009, first as a project management specialist with the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, and then since 2015 as Coordinator of the Planning and projects Section at the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR. From 2004 to 2009, she served as deputy director in charge of planning and international cooperation at the Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society (Dejusticia) in Colombia. From 2001 to 2004 she was project manager for the Human Rights Promoters Network at the Office of the Ombudsman in Colombia. From 1988 to 2001 she worked as an adviser and manager in various areas of public management, specifically in planning, public budget, and international cooperation, specializing in the design, formulation, execution, evaluation, auditing, and management of projects. She has a Master of Business Administration degree and has done postgraduate studies in human rights, transparency and accountability, and the fight against corruption.
George Lima
Ivonne Cifuentes
Ivonne Cifuentes is the financial officer of the IACHR since May 2009. A Colombian citizen she graduated from the Universidad de los Andes as an Industrial Engineer with emphasis in finance and production, obtaining an academic certificate on economics at the same university. She worked as professors’ assistant performing research and teaching tasks in the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad de los Andes. Before joining the IACHR, she worked at financial and private companies in Colombia as investment banker and planning analyst, and studied Mandarin Chinese and Chinese culture during the time she lived in Shanghai, China. Currently, she is pursuing an MBA (Master in Business Administration) at the IE Business School (Madrid, Spain) for which she has been awarded with a scholarship from the IE Foundation. She speaks English, Spanish and has knowledge in Mandarin Chinese.
Jaime Vidal Melero
Jaime Vidal Melero is the coordinator of the IACHR's Follow-up Recommendations and Impact Section and Executive Secretary of the GIEI Bolivia. He is a lawyer of Chilean and Spanish nationality, graduated in Law from the University of Barcelona. Since 2016 he has held various positions at the IACHR, including as head of thematic rapporteurships and operational coordinator of the SACROI. He obtained a master's degree in Criminal Justice System from the same University and an LLM in Public International Law with a major in International Human Rights Law from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. In his professional career, he has held various positions in international organizations and civil society organizations. Until 2015, he served as a human rights officer in the Regional Office for South America of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, in Santiago de Chile. Previously, he also worked as a university professor and researcher for different civil society organizations.
Marisol Blanchard Vera
Marisol Blanchard Vera is Principal Advisor to the Executive Secretary and directs international relations for the IACHR. She was Deputy Secretary for the System of petitions, cases and friendly settlements from September 2019 to May 2022, and Chief of Staff of the Executive Secretariat in 2018 and 2019. She is a Chilean and American lawyer. She joined the IACHR as a special adviser to the Executive Secretary in 2003 and since then she has served as coordinator of the friendly settlements section, inter-institutional and international relations, the Rapporteurships for children and adolescents, human rights defenders and the unit for Economic, social and cultural rights and has served as officer in charge of countries such as Mexico, El Salvador, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and has collaborated on issues of women's rights, freedom of expression and human mobility. She worked at the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) in Washington (2001-2003), and at the IACHR Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression (2000-2001). She studied law at the Diego Portales University in Santiago, Chile and did a master's degree in International Human Rights Law at the University of Notre Dame, US (Cum Laude). In 2001 she received the New Voices Fellowship from the Academy for Educational Development. She has published several articles on human rights, including women's rights, rights of indigenous peoples, freedom of expression, protection of human rights defenders, refuge, and economic, social, and cultural rights.
Marta Tavares
Marta Tavares is a Venezuelan attorney, and she currently works as a human rights specialist with the IACHR Registry Group. She graduated from the University of Zulia in 2002 and did her postgraduate studies in international human rights law at American University's Washington College of Law (2007). She was a Rómulo Gallegos Fellow (2007-2008) and did a number of professional practicums at nongovernmental organizations based in Washington, D.C. She has also worked on the state of Zulia’s Civil and Commercial Court and Court for the Protection of Children and Adolescents.
Norma A. C. Colledani Toranzo
Norma A. C. Colledani Toranzo of Argentina is coordinator of the Public Policy and Technical Cooperation Section. She has worked at the IACHR since 2002, holding different positions, she was interim chief of staff, and she was a member of the work team for the Southern Cone Regional Section; She was in charge of matters related to Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (DESC) in the Executive Secretariat, and coordinated the Scholarship and Internship Program. Norma Colledani studied law at the National University of Tucumán, Argentina, where she graduated at the top of her class (2001). She pursued postgraduate studies in women's human rights at the National University of Chile and a master's degree (LL.M.) in international law and human rights at American University's Washington College of Law (2006), in Washington, D.C.
Adrián Lengua Parra
A Peruvian lawyer who graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). He holds an LLM in "National and Global Health" with a certificate in International Human Rights Law from Georgetown University (2022), as well as a master's degree in Legal Argumentation from the University of Alicante (2023). He began working at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) as a fellow during the 2017-2018 period in the Initial Assessment Section. Subsequently, he was hired as a lawyer and has performed various roles within the Petitions and Cases Secretariat. He is currently responsible for drafting admissibility and merits reports. He is the author of several publications.
Camila de Oliveira Koch
Camila de Oliveira Koch, a Brazilian national, serves as a Human Rights Specialist and is currently the Principal Advisor to the Commissioners of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights’ Executive Secretary. She started her work in the Commission in 2017, as Rómulo Gallegos Fellow, having been part of the Registry and Admissibility teams in the Petitions and Cases System. She is a lawyer graduated from the University of the Joinville Region and holds a Master's Degree in Human Rights obtained with distinction at the University of São Paulo Law School. Before joining the Commission, she served as Advocacy Advisor at the Institute for Development and Human Rights (IDDH), as Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Committee on Human Rights and Foreign Policy and as a member of the National Committee for Human Rights Education, in addition from various other human rights committees and commissions at local and state level. She has taught classes in universities and trainings, and has published articles in various research vehicles.
Erick Acuña Pereda
Erick Acuña Pereda works at athe IACHR since 2012 and is as a Human Rights Specialist in the Cases Section (Merits Group and Group that manages cases before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights). He completed his law degree at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), where he is a Professor at their Human Rights Masters Program. He received his post-graduate diploma in Human Rights from the University of Chile and completed his Masters (LL.M.) in International Human Rights Law at the University of Notre Dame (USA). Before starting with the IACHR, Mr. Acuña worked as a researcher for both the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights at the PUCP and the Ibero-American Network of Experts on the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. He also served as a consultant for the Due Process of Law Foundation in the United States as well as for the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights in Cairo, Egypt. Additionally, while studying for his degrees, Mr. Acuña worked as a teaching assistant for the School of Law at PUCP and at the University of Notre Dame. He has been published several times in the field of human rights law, and he regularly participates in human rights training and educational programs in Latin America.
Gloria Amanda Molina
Gloria Amanda Molina, of U.S. nationality, began working at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 1997 as administrative assistant. She began to work with matters of Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala. She worked for the Administrative Department, the EFP Regional Section related to matters of the United States, Canada, Brazil, the English and French-speaking Caribbean, and the Department of Promotion and Public Policies along with Friendly Settlement and Follow-up Section. She also worked in the Department of Petitions and Cases in the Petitions Section (SP). She is currently working in the Processing and Support Section. She completed her studies in Managua, Nicaragua.
Hilaire Sobers
A citizen of Barbados and Jamaica, Hilaire Sobers has worked at the IACHR as a human rights specialist since 2004. He is currently the coordinator of the Training and Dissemination Section which is part of the newly established Department of Promotion and Public Policy. Immediately prior to this assignment, he was the staff attorney for Rapporteurship on People of African Descent and Against Racial Discrimination. Hilaire graduated from the University of the West Indies (1986) and the Norman Manley Law School (1988). He also holds a Master’s degree in Law an Development from the University of Warwick (2003). Before coming to the IACHR, he worked in the field of human rights in Jamaica, where he served as Executive Director of the Independent Jamaican Council for Human Rights. He has also consulted with a number of international human rights organizations, particularly on human rights issues in Jamaica and the Caribbean relating to the death penalty, police abuses of citizens' rights, discrimination against the LGBT community, among others. Outside of the Caribbean, he has participated in international human rights missions to countries like Turkey and South Africa. A former columnist for the Jamaica Observer, Hilaire Sobers has written a number of newspaper articles on these issues, and more recently contributed a chapter to a new publication - Responsibility to Protect: Promise to Practice (459-480). Cambridge University Press. Zyberi, G. (ed.). 2013. [Responsibility to Protect and the Inter-American System of Human Rights].
Ilcia Rivas
Ilcia Rivas, a citizen of United States and El Salvador. She joined the OAS in 1999 as a Consultant. She incorporated the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in June 2004 as Administrative Assistant and later worked as Administrative Technician. She currently works as Administrative Officer of the Office of Administration, Planning, and Finance of the ES/IACHR. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland with a Bachelor in Business Administration; Master in Business Administration and a Master of Science with a Specialization in Project Management.
Joyce Mendoza
Joyce Mendoza, a Peruvian national, has been working in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights since April 2007. She currently works as an Administrative Technician for the Office of Administration, Planning and Finance of the ES/IACHR. She previously worked as an administrative assistant in the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, Office of Press and Communications and Thematic Rapporteurships of the ES/IACHR. Before joining the IACHR, she worked in Viajes Iberoamérica Perú - International Travel and Tourism Wholesaler. She studied Bilingual Executive Secretariat in Lima and attended numerous international tourism seminars and courses.
Jаviеr Sеminаrio
Jаviеr Sеminаrio, а Pеruviаn nаtionаl, joinеd thе Еxеcutivе Sеcrеtаriаt of thе Intеr-Аmеricаn Commission on Humаn Rights (ЕS/IАCHR) in Jаnuаry 2020 аs communicаtion аnd knowlеdgе аdvisor. Hе hаs а dеgrее in Opеrаtions Rеsеаrch from thе Univеrsidаd Nаcionаl Mаyor dе Sаn Mаrcos. During thе yеаrs 2018 аnd 2019 hе wаs а systеms аnаlyst for thе Sеcrеtаriаt for Multidimеnsionаl Sеcurity (SMS), in chаrgе of thе аnаlysis, dеsign, progrаmming, implеmеntаtion, аdministrаtion, аnd intеgrаtion of systеms of thе Sеcrеtаriаt аnd its Dеpаrtmеnts, а tаsk thаt hе аlso pеrformеd in thе Еxеcutivе Sеcrеtаriаt of thе Intеr-Аmеricаn Drug Аbusе Control Commission (ЕS/CICАD) sincе joining thе Orgаnizаtion of Аmеricаn Stаtеs in Аpril 1996. Hе wаs аwаrdеd from thе OАS in 2010 аnd 2018 for his outstаnding pеrformаncе in thе Sеcrеtаriаt of Multidimеnsionаl Sеcurity. Bеforе joining thе OАS, hе wаs аn аnаlyst, progrаmmеr, аnd аdministrаtor of systеms аnd tеchnologicаl infrаstructurе аt thе Еmbаssy of Pеru in thе Unitеd Stаtеs (1992 to 1996), аnd аt thе Ministry of Forеign Аffаirs of Pеru (1988 to 1992); Hе wаs аlso а consultаnt аnd systеms аnаlyst for thе compаny Biocon dеl Pеru, dеsigning аnd dеvеloping systеms for thе procеssing of nаturаl rаw mаtеriаls (1990 to 1992); Аlso, hе wаs а trаinеr of trаinеrs on tools for officе аutomаtion аt thе SISЕ Institutе of Pеru (1991).
Karin Mansel
Karin Mansel is a licensed attorney of the Lima Bar Association in Peru with a comprehensive knowledge of public international law. Ms. Mansel graduated from the Catholic University of Peru Law School and she has earned an LL.M. degree in Public International Law form the University of Leiden. Immediately prior to assuming her current position of Human Rights Specialist assigned she was based in Peru working for the Ministry of the Presidency in poverty issues. In 2004 Ms. Mansel earned the Romulo Gallegos Fellowship of the IACHR. She has also worked and interned at the Victims Participation and Reparation Unit of the International Criminal Court, law firms and at the Executive Secretariat of the Andean Community. Ms. Mansel has worked on matters related to the Colombian armed conflict, transitional justice, humanitarian international law, gross human rights violations, and due process, among others. She is currently part of the Geographic Monitoring area and monitors the general human rights situation of 11 countries in the region.
Lívia Lemos
Lívia Lemos is a lawyer and currently serves as a principal specialist of the Rapporteurship on Human Mobility. She holds a Master's degree in International Law and a second Master's in Public Law, as well as a Diploma in Migration and Refugee Protection. She is currently pursuing a PhD on regional approaches to International Refugee Law, based on Latin American experiences. Additionally, she was a visiting researcher at the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford. At the IACHR, Lívia was a fellow at the Human Mobility Rapporteurship and provided consultancy for various areas. In Brazil, her professional background includes five years of experience as a university professor, and roles as a legal consultant for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and as a volunteer with the National Committee for Refugees. She also collaborated with a law firm specialized in International Law and Migration in London, England.
Mariella Onetti
Mariella Onetti was born in Lima, Peru. She began working at the IACHR Executive Secretariat as an administrative assistant in the Registry Section. Since then, she has been in charge of handling administrative tasks related to the petitions under review and fielding questions asked by users of the inter-American human rights system. Her administrative experience in the legal field stems from her years of service at the Law Offices of Romeny Wright, P.C., at Realty Title Services, and at SMS Title and Escrow, all based in the U.S. state of Virginia. Mariella Onetti obtained her degree as an executive secretary in Lima, Peru.
Ronald Soltes
Ronald Soltes is a US national and has worked at the IACHR since 2008. He did his undergraduate studies in foreign language (Spanish) at George Mason University and post-graduate studies in Translation (Portuguese/English) at University of Maryland. He has worked at the IACHR as an administrative assistant in the Office of the Rapporteur on the Rights of Women, Mesoamerica section, Protection Group, and is currently a member of the Processing Unit.
Sandra Morin
Sandra Morin, a Bolivian national born in Cochabamba, is administrative assistant for the Regional Section Andean I, which deals with matters of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. She works at the IACHR since 2006.
Tatiana Teubner Guasti
Tatiana is a Brazilian lawyer with a LL.M in International Humanitarian Law from the Académie de droit international humanitarian et de droits humains (ADH) in Geneva, Switzerland. She was also part of the International Criminal Justice and Human Rights Law Clinic of this University with the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. During her time in Geneva, she also participated in the human rights working group of the UN Graduate Studies Program. She began working at the IACHR in 2014 in the Precautionary and Provisional Measures Section as a Rómulo Gallegos fellow. Between 2015 - 2019 she was part of the Special Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression (RELE). Since January 2020, has been working as a human rights specialist in the Initial Review and Admissibility Section. Prior to the IACHR, Tatiana worked with non-governmental organizations based in Switzerland and national and international institutions such as the UNDP/United Nations in Geneva and the Federal Court of the State of Espírito Santo in Brazil.