Hearing room A: Padilha Vidal ( TL floor )
Hearing room B: Ruben Dario ( 8th floor )
Guatemala: Case 13.159 14 Communities of the Mayan Q'eqchi' People (Ex officio)
Colombia: Case 13.583 - League of Displaced Women
Colombia: Forced Recruitment of Indigenous Children and Adolescents in the Armed Conflict in Cauca
Colombia: Right to comprehensive redress of the victims of the armed conflict
Guatemala: Follow-up to precautionary measures in favor of indigenous communities
Mexico: Protection of Women Seekers
Ecuador: Right to indigenous justice
Mexico: Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists
United States: Impacts of uranium exploitation on indigenous peoples' rights
Honduras: Forced evictions of indigenous, black and peasant communities
Dominican Republic: Human Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty
Regional: Status of judicial independence (Ex officio)
Regional: Impact of carbon market expansion on indigenous peoples and local communities in Colombia, Guyana and Peru
Regional: Human rights of people in human mobility due to the effects of climate change
Cuba: Right to freedom of association
Haiti: Impunity for sexual violence against women and girls
Cuba: Human Rights of Persons Participating in Medical Missions
Guyana: Impacts of private companies on human rights
Panamá: Impacts of private business activities on the human rights of indigenous and peasant communities
Regional: Right to reintegration of women deprived of their liberty
Regional: Situation of human rights defenders
Nicaragua: Arbitrary deprivation of liberty for political reasons
Uruguay: Right to nationality and risk of statelessness in legislation
Peru: Human rights of victims of forced sterilization
Regional: Business Impacts on Human Rights and the Environment
Chile: Human Rights of the Deaf persons
Venezuela: Right to physical, psychological and moral integrity of political prisoners
Peru: Public Prosecutor's Office Situation and Human Rights Impacts
Regional: Human rights situation of older persons in the region (Ex Officio)