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Expo and Finals of the Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas
Place: Hilton Princess Hotel
Date: June 2-3, 2011
Time: 09:00 am – 06:00 pm
San Salvador will be the host of the Finals the fifth Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas, an international business competition and accelerator for young entrepreneurs up to age 35. This competition allows young people to incorporate their businesses and social projects into the real market. TIC Americas goes beyond traditional business plan competitions by incorporating extensive training, mentoring, access to entrepreneurial resources and other opportunities that young entrepreneurs need to make their businesses grow in the national and international marketplace. TIC Americas is a program of the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT).
For more information contact Yerutí Méndez at [email protected]
To view the full agenda please visit www.ticamericas.net/Elsalvador
VII OAS Private Sector Forum - “Competitiveness and Security for Development”
Place: Hotel Sheraton Presidente
San Salvador, El Salvador
Date: June 2-3, 2011
The OAS Private Sector Forum is an institutionalized gathering of hundreds of business leaders from around the hemisphere, wherein the private sector formulates recommendations, including proposals for initiatives related to the theme of the annual OAS General Assembly. These recommendations are presented at the dialogue of heads of delegation and the Secretary General with representatives of the private sector, which takes place before the inaugural session of the General Assembly, in this case on June 5, 2011.
The theme of the XLI OAS General Assembly, to be held on June 5-7, 2011 in San Salvador, is “Citizen Security in the Americas”. Against this backdrop, the VII OAS Private Sector Forum will consider several aspects or sub-themes surrounding the theme of the forum “Competitiveness and Security for Development”: corporate social responsibility, innovation and competitiveness, business climate, and small and medium-sized enterprises. The forum will also consider public-private partnerships as a cross-cutting sub-theme.
29th Model OAS General Assembly for Universities of the Hemisphere (29th MOAS)
Place: Universidad Centroamericana José
Simeón Cañas (UCA) – San Salvador,
El Salvador
Date: May 18-21, 2011
The 29th MOAS for Universities of the Hemisphere is organized jointly by the Department of International Affairs of the Secretariat for External Relations of the OAS, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador, the Secretariat for Social Inclusion of El Salvador, UCA, and the Universidad de El Salvador (UES), with complementary financial support from the Government of Spain. The MOAS Program is designed to promote democratic values among the youth of the Hemisphere through a role-playing exercise, where students represent each of the OAS Member States. In addition, this MOAS seeks to familiarize the youth and general population of El Salvador, as well as the youth of the Americas, with the priorities in the inter-American agenda in anticipation to the celebration of the 41st Regular Period of Sessions of the General Assembly of the OAS, to be held in San Salvador in June 2011.
The 29th MOAS will bring together 350 students from 30 universities from: Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, France, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, United States, and Venezuela, who will represent 31 OAS Member countries. This Model will be conducted in Spanish. Prior to their participation the students have to learn about the OAS, the countries they will represent and those countries’ policies in relation to the following topics on the MOAS Agenda: Promotion of democratic values and citizen participation among the youth of the hemisphere through educational programs; strategies for the protection of Human Rights of children and young migrants; cooperation among States for the prevention and treatment of youth violence; the role of civil society in the strengthening of democracy in the Americas; and, innovative ideas for the increase of contributions from Member States and Observers for OAS activities. The students will also issue their own Declaration, based on the theme of the 41st OAS General Assembly: Citizen Security in the Americas, which will be presented by the MOAS President to the Chiefs of Delegation during the OAS General Assembly in June. For more information about this MOAS and the Program in general visit www.moas.oas.org or contact the MOAS Program by email: [email protected].